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Anyone else here use Verizon FiOS?

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If so, I'm wanting to see if any others of you have been having intermittent internet issues.   The last week or two, internet just seems to intermittently stop/pause for various periods of time....when the halt/pause lets up throughput will seem normal/very snappy as you'd expect on a 1 Gig line, until its not again.  My desk with both personal PC and work laptop are in our basement with a Cat 6 run straight from the Verizon router.  I've mostly noted it when trying to go through and clean out mail from my hotmail account I've had a few decades now (to be clear off that mention, I don't have decades worth of mail pending ha - like 100-200 unreads max if that each time I go through them), but I know its not something relegated to only the outlook.live.com endpoint because I check other tabs/sites when the issues crop up and they're hanging/spinning too.

I've not yet tried calling VZ tech support and wanted to check/poll for others here to see if anyone using the service might have been wrestling with similar issues.


Addendum:  Both the ONT box (in our living room, not outside) and the white standup VZ router have been cycled before a couple times.  Have also tried changing between ethernet ports on the back for the Cat 6 cable with no change over long term behavior.

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(Sorry I never answered your last e-mail.  It's going to be time-consuming, so I've been dragging my feet.)

I'm on FiOS and my service has been okay.  A few weeks ago, I was having an odd issue where certain websites were very slow to load, and it persisted until I rebooted the router.  Not entirely sure what was going on there. 

But otherwise, no issues.  What happens if you ping or traceroute during these outages?

- Trip

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