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Special Premier Sponsor Offer...for Black Friday/Cyber Monday


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Over in the Sponsor section, we have a thread touting a special offer for members to upgrade to the Premier Sponsor level in celebration of the first two Band 26 (LTE 800) sites.  http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5111-lte-800band-26-info-teaser/



For a limited time, we are offering a discount for members to upgrade to Premier Sponsor.  From now through Monday, December 2nd, you can upgrade to the Premier Sponsor level for $25 off.


So if you are only $50 away from reaching the Premier level, it would only cost you $25 now.  If you have never donated to S4GRU but want to go straight to the Premier level, you can do so for just $75.  And remember, Premier Sponsorships never expire!!!


If you are unsure how far you are away from the Premier level, send me a PM and I will respond with the amount you need to receive the upgrade.  I hope to see you in the Premier Sponsor section soon!




*NOTE:  Promotion ends at 11:59 PM Hawaii Standard Time on Monday, December 2, 2013.

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If you are considering the Premier Sponsor upgrade while the sale is going on, there is just 48 hours left. Act soon to get the $25 discount!


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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