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10.1 inch Galaxy Note coming


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A swedish blogger uncovered the 10.1 inch galaxy note promotional materials at the hotel the Samsung reps were staying. There are also giant billboards around Barcelona promoting a 10.1 inch Note. It appears the official announcement will be in the next day or so.


I wonder if this giant slab will also function as a phone? :lol:




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If this will be fully functional as a phone, I am getting it! Can you imagine the size of the dialer on this thing! No more mis-dialed calls!


I'd like to see someone walking around with a 10 inch tablet to their ear, LMAO.


Can you imagine, unlimited data on a 10 inch tablet because it is also a phone? That would be awesome!

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I'd like to see someone walking around with a 10 inch tablet to their ear, LMAO.


Can you imagine, unlimited data on a 10 inch tablet because it is also a phone? That would be awesome!


LMAO, its almost worth the try it and return it policy! Just so we can see the looks on people's faces~


But you do have a good point on the unlimited data, that would be nice!

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LMAO, its almost worth the try it and return it policy! Just so we can see the looks on people's faces~


But you do have a good point on the unlimited data, that would be nice!


They would almost have to create a new plan for it if it does have voice. Even though you can easily use more data tethering a phone to your computer, no cell carrier wants tablets with unlimited data. It would burn through data like crazy.

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That's the truth. Since I've gotten my Prime I've been through almost 3.5 gigs, and I've only had it a week.


Most of that is initial setup and extra data required for some games though.

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That's the truth. Since I've gotten my Prime I've been through almost 3.5 gigs, and I've only had it a week.


Most of that is initial setup and extra data required for some games though.


Wow! I hope that's all or mostly WiFi usage...

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Wow! I hope that's all or mostly WiFi usage...


Yeah, its almost all while on my home or work network. I try to use my cell data as littlevas possible. Regardless of the unlimited state.

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Yeah, so I gotta rely on open networks, if I ever bring it out. I have the 3G Tab through Sprint that I take out with me.


I was talking to a coworker about it. Pretty much anywhere I go that I would use a tablet vs my phone, has WiFi. Home, work, coffee shop, all have WiFi. I don't see the need to have a monthly plan for a tablet. Now if I had to work in remote areas, then I would see the need for 3G or 4G plan on a tablet, or a tethering plan.

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I was talking to a coworker about it. Pretty much anywhere I go that I would use a tablet vs my phone, has WiFi. Home, work, coffee shop, all have WiFi. I don't see the need to have a monthly plan for a tablet. Now if I had to work in remote areas, then I would see the need for 3G or 4G plan on a tablet, or a tethering plan.


Yeah, there really is no need for a data plan with a Tablet. I have the 2gig plan with Sprint which at the time was the lowest available. I've never gone over a gig. I've been considering going down to the 1gig plan for 19.99$, but know that the second I do it, I'll be running over the limit in no time :P

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I'd like to see someone walking around with a 10 inch tablet to their ear, LMAO.


Using a 10.1" tablet as a phone, you could be the updated version of this guy...





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