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NV in Former Affiliate Markets


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I recall from the days of iPCS/Sprint squabbling that iPCS didn't have much PCS spectrum in many of its markets. E.g. this filing




indicates they held as little as 10 mhz of spectrum in a number of areas, including sizable cities like Peoria.


I was wondering how this spectrum situation will affect NV in the former affiliate markets, both availability of LTE and overall capacity expansion. I assume that the PCS spectrum iPCS controlled in these markets is all that Sprint has to work with now, at least until iDEN spectrum is re-purposed? Does this mean that some of these markets can't get the full NV treatment or may still have capacity issues post-NV? Might this lead Sprint to accelerate the de-commissioning of iDEN in these markets?


Sorry if this is a naive question.

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This does not include the 10MHz of G-Block PCS, in which Sprint has another 10MHz nationwide. Which it is using for a 5x5 LTE carrier. This file is quite dated, but is mostly still accurate. I don't know if Sprint has picked up more spectrum in Central Illinois. Perhaps if AJ (WiWavelength) wanted to weigh in, he probably would know the specifics about Central Illinois. Seeing how he created the attached map.

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Fear not, Sprint has added spectrum in Central Illinois more recently than what is reflected on my old map. In 2008, Sprint acquired (from USCC) additional 10 MHz blocks of spectrum in the BTAs in Central Illinois that had been previously limited to single PCS D block 10 MHz licenses. See below:


Bloomington-Normal, Peoria, Springfield, Decatur-Effingham, Mattoon: PCS E block 10 MHz

Galesburg: PCS C block 10 MHz

Jacksonville: PCS F block 10 MHz


So, across all of Central Illinois, Sprint holds PCS A-F block 20 MHz of bandwidth plus the PCS "G" block 10 MHz licenses.



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Excellent update, AJ. Thanks!!! :clap:


If you ever are up to the task of wanting to update the Sprint spectrum maps, I will be glad to do the graphic art and maps. You just have to prepare the data in a spreadsheet for me to work from. Let me know if or when you want to collaborate on the project.


I think I would make separate maps by block type, then an aggregated map with totals. Could be fun and a great new resource.

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Fear not, Sprint has added spectrum in Central Illinois more recently than what is reflected on my old map. In 2008, Sprint acquired (from USCC) additional 10 MHz blocks of spectrum in the BTAs in Central Illinois that had been previously limited to single PCS D block 10 MHz licenses. See below:


Bloomington-Normal, Peoria, Springfield, Decatur-Effingham, Mattoon: PCS E block 10 MHz

Galesburg: PCS C block 10 MHz

Jacksonville: PCS F block 10 MHz


So, across all of Central Illinois, Sprint holds PCS A-F block 20 MHz of bandwidth plus the PCS "G" block 10 MHz licenses.





Awesome, thanks much for the info.

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