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About StyxPhoenix

  • Birthday February 27

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  • Phones/Devices
    Samsung Galaxy S6
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  • Location
    Akron, Ohio
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  1. I can't for the life of me understand why Samsung / Sprint wouldn't want to fix this issue quickly. It's not new ... it's been going on forever. I just got my S6 over the weekend and love it, but even I was looking at the bars with disgust when my S4 (non-Spark) had full bars everywhere I frequent. TaiKing said it best; if they are already fighting a bad signal perception, you'd think Sprint would be putting whatever resources necessary to fix this. Those of us from here can only evangelize the true meaning or false perception of the low bars and take it so far. There are thousands getting these Spark phones and probably becoming very upset looking at their bars because that is what we’ve been trained to do over the years. They can’t expect that everyone is going to know to look at their actual signal strength values when it has been beat into us that the bars tell the whole story. You mention signal strength and most people are going to reply, “You mean the bars, right?”
  2. I don't know for sure how much I get for usage because I usually recharge it without looking, but I agree that it amazes me how long it lasts. I think the tablets in general last longer than the phones, whether it is because they have more battery capacity or because they run more efficiently ... because my Nexus 7 (2012) has great battery life too when compared to my GS4. Now, my tablets don't have cell antennas ... so that could have a lot to do with it too, but screens are universally the highest battery drain. Who knows.
  3. Got 7.1.2 on my iPad mini and haven't really noticed a difference yet. I'm guessing the phones probably notice more of a difference because of the mobile network and the additional usage it gets throughout a day. But I do use my mini quite a bit when I'm in meetings and away from my computer and I have a bluetooth keyboard attached to it so that eats battery too.
  4. I would be very surprised if they activated one sector before the others were upgraded. They may only have one upgraded but I doubt they would activate a site until all sectors were upgraded successfully. I suppose there could be exceptions to the rule, but in general I wouldn't think that they would want that customer experience.
  5. That's my old stomping grounds, I grew up in Euclid. I hope they also improve the signal out in Mentor. The area of 306 between Rt 2 and Lakeshore is rough for signal. They've upgrade some of the towers to NV/LTE but a few more are so far untouched.
  6. The tower in Green that has been horrible 3G speeds for the past month or so has lit up LTE as of this morning. Turns out the eHRPD was a good sign after all. The speed isn't as fast as it is at my home tower in the Falls, but it's at least respectable. Finally.
  7. I can only speak for the standard S4, but I did see the GCI info on the towers I have connected to. You're right, it could be a KitKat thing ... maybe they (Samsung) did adjust the firmware to allow it to report.
  8. It appears the SG4 also will show the GCI, I grabbed this screen while I was connected to an LTE tower in the area.
  9. Admittedly I don't know enough about the technical aspects of 3G 800 vs. LTE 800, but that's good news if the 3G 800 is supported by many of the non tri-band devices. I hope you're right because cell phones are virtually useless when a decent amount of people are downtown. I'm not sure how it is on a normal work day, but I would guess it's marginally better. There are a good amount of people downtown during the day.
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