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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. I had an issue a few months ago when I spilled water on my original 5 and was lied to buy store employees to buy the insurance on the phone. Long story short they pushed up my upgrade and by that time I had already went through asurion so I was able to keep it. I can see them swapping phones, they have been pretty good recently it's just getting them to budge is the struggle. And I won't switch carriers even though I threaten them often, there are just no comparable family plans out there, I would be paying almost double for a similar plan not including the cost per month for the phones. No contracts here, haven't had one in years it's all easy pay. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  2. Straight up bs if you ask me, and it only keeps getting better!
  3. Glad to hear, I don't mind going with a smaller screen if I have to.
  4. Well I talked to this lady again and I got pretty damn heated with her, I told her something must be done as it is obviously a hardware issue and something must be done. So she created a ticket with the network team so they can investigate the towers and whatnot to make sure things are good on their end and that something else is not causing the issue. And if it is determined to be a problem that they cannot resolve we can go from there, so maybe a free upgrade? I will gladly take an S7 if that will give me a phone that works like it should. But we shall see waiting to hear back from the network guys and or this lady.
  5. This phone is definitely worse than the other one, I'm pretty much on 3G all day now at work... so just want to smash it on the ground, don't really know where to go from here. I'm gonna try and use my original sim from my first phone and see if that makes any difference. Really at a loss here. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk Oh and phone just did this for 10 minutes no service when my coworker on Sprint with a G4 was on LTE.
  6. Note 5 was an RF monster though, then it just went down hill. Plus side with activating this new phone, included in the email was the MSL code.
  7. Well the phone came from Sprint and not Asurion like I thought it would, showing more or less the same signal strength. Great back to square one... Guess it's off to the Note 6/7 next month.
  8. I believe it to be a hardware problem that unfortunately marshmallow made it worse over time. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  9. Crazy thing is though it's not just a Sprint problem, my friends on Verizon are experiencing the same problem and normally Verizon has LTE everywhere, butt since marshmallow they see 3G in places they have never seen it before. Tonight my friend was over my house and tried to play some music and low and behold his phone was on 1x not even 3G, and as I said he's on Verizon, my house is never that way for him. It's definitely not a isolated issue, it's a hardware problem with the Note 5, which is crazy because I haven't heard of issues with the S6 which shares the same chip set. Minus the extra GB of RAM. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  10. Damn just my luck, won't have my new phone until Tuesday stupid holiday lol. Just shipped out this morning. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  11. I've sent a lot of reports for bad coverage or lack thereof and nothing has ever changed. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  12. You can try what I did but it's exhausting.
  13. As am I, almost gave up for a bit lol. I highly doubt it will have Lollipop but you never know.
  14. I surely will, I'll be able to tell a rf difference right away as on my desk my phone is on B41 around ~110-114 dBm, anything under than that will be and improvement and if it's on lollipop it may be even better who knows. But the real test will be the drive to work which won't happen until Tuesday lol 3 day weekends. And the struggle to make this happen is probably not worth it lol, I am just glad I am done dealing with them. If it doesn't fix it to hell with it bring on the Note 6.
  15. Yeah I don't know why they didn't and insisted on making my life hell for the last two weeks, unfortunately we never got to the bottom of what is wrong with this phone but I tried.
  16. Well lo and behold they're sending a replacement phone out! Should have it tomorrow going by Asurions shipping schedule, this is awesome. Now let's hope this one doesn't have the same problem and if it comes with lollipop it's staying on it lol.
  17. Ugh so I finally snapped today on the ceo line, they were supposed to cal me back yesterday from when I talked to them Saturday but never did. But I let that go, long story short they had a live chat going with samsung telling me to try this and try that which did nothing and a lot of them have nothing to do with network settings. So there comes a point where they offered to send it to samsung and I would be out of a phone for 2 weeks at the earliest and I would have to buy a cheap phone if I wanted a phone in the meantime or borrow a friends other phone. I wasn't having that so after asking if there were any other options I was told no so I told them I would just switch to a different carrier and hung up. Hour passes by and I get another call, saying they can credit me up to $100 for a beater phone in the meantime *click*. I use my phone for a lot of business at work I can't have a crappy android phone with hardware from 4 years ago, so that's where I was until I got home from work a few minutes ago. Still being pissed off I decided to go back on twitter and bitch them out more or less for taking the same steps I could have done myself to troubleshoot my phone and another ceo person called back and I think they finally get it. They're now going to see if they can't send me a replacement through my "Total Equipment Protection" at no cost. FINALLY, not that I am positive that will even fix my issues but it's a step in the right direction. At that point I would just say screw it and hold out for the Note 6 in August. We shall see though I will report back with any updates as always. BTW, there are no matches for the $100 unlimited family plan I have now $140 for unlimited through T-Mobile is a joke don't get me started on a 18GB plan from Verizon or a similar plan from AT&T. Kinda inbetween a rock and a hard place there.
  18. Oh I am sure it won't happen anytime soon, which is a problem and really makes the network look like crap.
  19. I dream of the day that I see B26 optimized, because right now it's crap. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  20. I'm still waiting for the day that B26 is optimized, still just as strong as B25/B41 around here. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  21. Not for me lol, this is a first 3G is always unusable for the most part. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  22. And I totally lost LTE connectivity, I'll be connected but no data forcing the phone to 3G mode works wth... don't know if it's a tower issue or not but this keeps getting better and better. OK well down detector says there are massive outages across the country, great. Fastest 3G I've ever seen however Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  23. And another thought, it's obviously not just an isolated issue to Sprint Note 5's, my friend and his wife on Verizon are having rf issues as well, they more or less see 3G as much as me it's a serious problem and I think marshmallow just made a hardware issue even worse. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
  24. Got a call today, twice actually. Lady said it could be a bad software install blah blah blah, told her I have done numerous installs to no avail. Got a new sim card as well, didn't do a damn thing. So she is gonna contact Samsung and Google about the issue, I think at some point they're just gonna replace the phone at least that is what it's looking like. Will let you all know more information when I get it.
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