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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Considering I don't care about 5G right now I'd be happy just using my 10+ until I upgrade to the S11.
  2. I know my S10+ is unlocked and it's a lease which makes no sense.
  3. No I didn't, was so pissed I just raged quit and went back to stock.
  4. That was short lived, gmail is not loading for me and constantly crashing... Back to stock. Not having much luck with this beta.
  5. So against my better judgement I reinstalled the beta, so far so good. They definitely improved a lot since beta 1. Still have that ugly ass LTE icon in the status bar however.
  6. I'm glad Verizon and AT&T are going to be pissed about this lol, they're thieves.
  7. Was just in my local Home Depot a few minutes ago, 3/5 bars and service was un-usable. The whole few block radius was useless, I am so ready for the merger like now!
  8. Wow that's a first. 😲 And improved fingerprint recognition algorithm I'll definitely take that. Fingerprint seems slower now wtf.
  9. That's very likely to happen, Sprint cannot get past their negative image it's only a matter of time unfortunately, this is why I look forward to the merger.
  10. It shows a downgrade option as soon as you load it up on PC. Make sure it's up to date.
  11. Shows me an option to join the beta as well even though I'm back on the stock rom.
  12. Yeah I'm just curious, it's one of the reasons I went back to stock besides the random bug here and there. I still have the option to rejoin the beta so if it's fixed or better I might go back to the beta.
  13. Hit or miss for me, sometimes it shows as roaming and other times not.
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