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Posts posted by dbsynergy

  1. Anyone live near Westlake in Daly City? Every time I go there for the last 2 weeks the 4g signal is very strong but completely unusable. Can't download anything. I have to go into a store to force it onto 3g in order to do anything. I know it may be in progress. But it's been 2 weeks now if not more.

    Can anyone check if they have the same problems near there.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4


    I was at the In-N-Out yesterday in Daily City and had the same problem. The LTE signal was very strong but did not work. Clicked over to the CDMA and although it was slow, I was able to use it.

  2. What site do you normally connect to? Since there is none on Treasure Island. East bay, sf or north bay? or some combo of all 3. Im surprised there is no site on TI


    I always connect to a site near Peir 31 in the fishermans wharf while I'm at home. It kinda sucks there's no site on Treasure Island. I get truly awful service if I don't stay on the west coast of the island. Tmobile has a site right in the middle of the island and AT&T has one at a high elevation on Yerba Buena Island. Hopefully the 800MHz SMR signal will provide better service.

  3. I just noticed I'm getting an 800mhz SMR signal in my house. Its not very strong, and what's weird is signal check pro located the tower all the way over in sausalito!


    If that's true, the distance that signal is traveling is impressive!


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



  4. Would it be possible to use a cheap SDR like the RTL-SDR's to scan for LTE?


    I have a couple of these guys I've used for scanning narrow band transmissions on many frequencies:



    The limitations that come to mind is I think the widest channel bandwidth is only 2.8MHz, and the max frequency you can tune to is 1700MHz.


    I'm wondering if it would be useful for discovering LTE Band 26 deployments.


  5. Are you in areas that would typically have WiMax? The memo that Robert got indicated that 2500 LTE should be live in San Francisco. It seemed to be very widespread in Denver, and sounds to be the same in Chicago, so I thought it would be matching the WiMax footprint like it is in other places.


    A couple pages back I posted a comparison from my old WiMax modem vs the MiFi 500. I get a pretty strong WiMax signal at home and a pretty weak LTE one.




    I activated mine last night. Replaced my WiMax Overdrive Pro.


    Right before I swapped the devices, I took some speedtests and compared the difference


    Wimax (-61dBm)



    LTE (-108dBm)


  6. Anyone in SF testing the new Tri-Band Mifi? Would love to see how fast they are on Band 41.  :tu:


    I haven't really had a chance to go around SF testing the mifi. I've tried it in two places in SF now and haven't seen any Band 41. Im testing it in places I know I have good WiMax signal. It seems to have a much better antenna and radio than my LG Optimus G, because even with a poor signal (-108dBm) I was able to get around 6mbps on Band 25.


    I am about to leave for a conference in Las Vegas so I'm going to reactivate my WiMax modem. I'll keep looking for Band 41 when I get back.

    • Like 1
  7. From the same spot on my phone...

    Test Date: Jul 30, 2013 10:33:52 am
    Connection Type: Lte
    Server: Berkeley
    Download: 3978 kbps
    Upload: 1578 kbps
    Ping: 67 ms

    External IP:
    Internal IP:
    Latitude: 37.76422
    Longitude: -122.39659

    A detailed image for this result can be found here:


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 2


  8. Obviously, the MiFi is pulling down a better signal, but it's also all around faster, even at comparable signals as I tested those as well (I will post those screen shots in a bit).


    The two devices were sitting right next to each other and both tests were taken back-to-back.


    I did several tests and on average, the MiFi is getting MUCH better signal and speeds. Some were peaking to 12-15mbps with a signal of -108 to -114 on the MiFi, whereas the iPhone alone would barely do 3-5Mbps at around the same signal at this particular point of the day (peak).


    I'm particularly impressed with the ping times when connected to the MiFi 500.



    Sent from my Sprint iPhone 5, not the old one (using Tapatalk 2).


    I have a feeling Sprint is giving a higher QoS priority to mobile hotspots. There has been a number of times when I get lousy service on a number of sprint phones, but service through the hotspot is great.

  9. Hmm. How far apart were these taken? 10 minutes or so?


    I'm wondering if these are two different sites based on the wild variation in signal strength. WiMax is measured in RSSI and LTE in RSRP. Sprint uses 14dBm subtracted from RSSI to come up with an RSRP equivalent in their LTE 1900 testing. If the same is applied, the WiMax RSRP would be approximately -75dBm. So that appears to be a big spread, making me think of different sites.


    Gotta like that ping though!


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    They were taken 20 minutes apart around midnight. 

    • Like 1
  10. I figured out how to get the band class! Once you're connected to the mifi, go to this url:

    Current Service for CDMA: N/A
    CMDA Signal Strength: N/A
    Roaming Indicator value: Not Roaming
    Channel: N/A
    Latitude: 0
    Longitude: 0
    RSSI: N/A
    SID: 0
    NID: 0
    Packet Zone ID: 0
    Packet Call Control State: Connected
    Ec/Io: N/A
    Receive Power 0 (CDMA): N/A
    Receive Power 1 (CDMA): N/A
    Receive Frame Error Rate: N/A
    Mobile IP Error Code: 0
    IPv4 Address: N/A
    PN value: N/A
    Subnet Color Code: 0
    HDR Session State: No Service
    MAC Index: N/A
    Subnet ID: 00 00000000 00000000 00000000
    UAY024 value: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    AN-AAA value: No Request
    Packet Error Rate value: N/A
    DRC Request: 0
    P_Rev value: N/A
    Dominant PN: 0
    Current Service Pilots: N/A
    Channel: N/A
    RSSI: No Signal
    Ec/Io: -2.5 dBm
    APN: r.ispsn
    IMSI: 3101xxxxxxxxxxx
    Connection State: Connected
    PLMN ID: 825241907
       [0] type:LTE   band:E_UTRA_OPERATING_BAND_25   channel:8665
    RSRP: -110 dBm
    RSRQ: -12 dB
    RS-SINR: 5.2 dB
    Tx Power: N/A
    APN: r.ispsn
    IPv4 Address:
    IPv6 Address: N/A
    IPv4 Call Last Error Code: 
    IPv6 Call Last Error Code: WDS_CER_UNSPECIFIED_V01
  11. What roms are you guys running? I have been debating whther to go aosp or stick with my stock rom/with liberty evolved kernel.

    Any thoughts form the s4gru community?

    I've been running nexOGen for a week now. It's the best custom rom I've tried so far. It is stock based so it keeps the engineering screens and debug menus. Stock camera app and gps works great.

  12. That isn't 1x speeds. And it doesn't need to be accepted to be on.


    Sent from my little Note2


    The download is <144kbps, and the upload test suttered and stalled out for a little while so I wouldn't consider the upload to be accurate. It was cool to see the download flatline at 128kbps though. 

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