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Everything posted by sbolen

  1. One of the biggest perks of working from home is that my daughter feeds me constantly. https://t.co/kCjLdewAM5

  2. Qualcomm's Fast X12 LTE Modem is Appropriate Candidate for iPhone 7 In that same article:
  3. Yammer is pretty dumb. I don’t want a work social network for work things.

  4. Do you guys think Thiel charged a 2.7% transaction fee for funding Hulk’s lawyer? https://t.co/gMmWT1Sfza

  5. LCD Soundsystem is playing near my house, my house.

  6. RT @Mobute: I didn't catch the details but apparently Trump's economic plan is to gladly pay us Tuesday for a hamburger today??? https://t.…

  7. .@StLouisBlues defenseman tonight https://t.co/ypLorw0bWu

  8. Remember, though: the Blues are the dirty team. https://t.co/xetDpJAHpv

  9. Another STL Sports trifecta today. feelsgoodman.jpg

  10. ????????????????

  11. I'm getting after it on FitBit. 5,772 miles! Holy crap. https://t.co/cLwX63j3y5 #Fitstats

  12. “Toronto is just like New York… Without all the stuff!”

  13. Oh yeah, San Jose? Well, we have an excellent cost of living and your chanting isn’t polite.

  14. RT @KailiJoy: But the super delegates could still change their minds and support the guy calling them corrupt establishment election-rigge…

  15. I'm glad they're going in-house. The big problem with agencies is that stakeholder priorities aren't always aligned. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I graduated high school in 1998 with this guy. https://t.co/zUog98Nf2Q

  17. The worst part of watching David Backes in a contract year is that it’ll only take a 10 minute call from Artie Moreno & he’ll be an Angel. ????

  18. This is such a great shot. Nice photo, too. https://t.co/vKTmxZGpEW

  19. I think I'd go to war for City Wide. https://t.co/TPIuh5pAtz

  20. I’ve given up on the Cardinals tonight for House Hunters International. #rockbottom

  21. RT @jstoff: Chance / The SoX Exp are giving MUSIC UX tips. https://t.co/oNnIREfMTc

  22. I wish @instagram‘s @twitter avatar was their app icon. I’d pay a $0.99 IAP fee to ditch that heavy gradient.

  23. That cat ran faster than Pujols.

  24. Hey, @CharterCom @chartercustsvc should I be worried that my cable box is going to kill me? https://t.co/x0ER2fCzbK

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