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Posts posted by james2oo4

  1. I think I know the answer but I'll ask anyway. You say Washington CH will be saturated with 3G soon. Doesn't it already have 3G? What I assume is that it will get upgraded 3G which is faster and of the 800 variety?? Or is this crappy speed I get, that says 3G, not really 3G?

    I do know this much.... three of the towers Washington Court House have been upgraded with the new Samsung Cabinets and RRU's (Rowe Ging Rd SE, Cisco Road and U.S. 22/Burkerhill Glendon Rd) I was kinda snooping as they were installing them. The speed has increased... slightly. The problem is, the three towers that I mentioned sit outside of WCH around US 35. It didn't affect me much because I just work there (at the Walmart DC) and I tend to get a really good signal. Download speed is between 1.5 - 2.5 mbps. It's much less than that inside WCH though.


    What WCH is waiting for is the backhaul. Once the backhaul arrives, speeds should increase significantly.


    I remember when they were working in the towers about a month and a half ago. It was a painful time to be a Sprint customer.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  2. Damn you laid a lot of purp! Great work. I'm guessing, but I'm pretty sure that's the tower on Jackson Pike. Check the map in the Ohio/West Virginia market thread for more details.


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    I'm not so sure if it's the one on Jackson Pike that I think you are talking about. There are two.... one across from the county jail (which is what I think you're talking about) and one on Stringtown Road and Jackson Pike. The one on Stringtown and Jackson is where I believe the 4G is coming from. That's a fools guess though. I'm sure someone will post some sort of acceptance report tomorrow.


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  3. I could map it tomorrow afternoon when I go through on my way home. But I have a feeling that there will be about 30 people all hovering around the area plotting purp and taking baths in LTE radiation beforehand.



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  4. What shall we do one nv is complete, get lives? Hahaha


    Pretty sad when I get excited bc of notifications of this thread....


    On another note, who's excited for Buckeye football?


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    Go Bucks!!


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    Folks its going to be a VERY interesting month for the Columbus market. I have a very reliable source on when and what towers are going live this month providing the dates don't get pushed out for some reason.



    Can confirm, seen a lot of July dates for LTE on individual cascades. Roughly 30 and all on the outside edges of the market.

    Thank You for the info!!


    Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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