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Everything posted by LTEBrooklyn

  1. Ha. I got a LTE signal. Didn't think it would actually turn on at 12 am. This is definitely a software switch. I'm thinking more towers are up and with the button it will go. Please report if u see more then avg LTE later
  2. I'm guessing more towers will be turned on tomorrow then what we had previously. I'm not quite sure how they did tests without having a public signal for those, but then again something was happening this past 10 days, so I'm hoping besides more towers, some 800 will come as well!
  3. An hour and a half to go and we will finally see (official) LTE!
  4. You never know! We might get a surprise! Less then 10 hours we shall find out
  5. Still no LTE anywhere for the last few days. Guess sunday we will be lit up!
  6. So now there is the 2600 spectrum? Also is 2500 going to be shared/WiMAX or is it going to dedicated to LTE?
  7. Everywhere in Brooklyn so far I went has no LTE. Anyone reporting LTE?
  8. my guess is that they have completed all or majority of Brooklyn and haven't turned on sites like they had earlier and brooklyn and Bronx will be all lit up on the 30th. It's gonna be crazy!
  9. Are they stating on launch for these Boros that they are both 100% complete?
  10. Maybe for the remainder of the LTE sites, they will be enabling 800, so the whole job will be done at once. If that's the case, it will be well worth it!
  11. Can 800 1x come before a tech comes out? Is that just a switch?
  12. I can't imagine that the 1900 sites that were complete weren't provisioned for 800 at the same time. Time wise and expense wise, sprint (alcutel, etc) can't send out all those techs out again to each site. That would be like doing NV all over again, except not as much work. I figured they would turn each switch on, only then if they have a problem with a specific site, then they would come to diagnose the issue.
  13. Water taxis are fun! I was in manhattan as well today and got excellent 4G signal and speeds
  14. Pretty sure any site that is on LTE 1900 right now already has the backhaul for 800 and its a remote software switch. I guess once nyc is officially announced, good chance switches will be turned on.
  15. And what router do u have? That makes a huge difference
  16. U need a docsis 3.0 modem and a newer n router!
  17. Yes to 101mbps! Pretty nice for the same price as boost! $15
  18. That's interesting. I wonder if sprint has a unlimited WiMAX plan still without throttling or I think it's 5gb.
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