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Posts posted by GiantJay

  1. Interesting. I've stood underneath that tower and got only 3G. I wonder if my phone was pulling from another tower at the time (I only learned about the turning on airplane mode trick very recently). It would explain how my neighborhood gets LTE now and why T-Mobile is the only other one that sometimes gets reception into my neighborhood.

    It isn't active yet so you won't get LTE. They just did the physical work on the tower putting up the RRU panels and everything.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



  2. I was just in the bay area yesterday, around El Cerrito, and my speeds tested at:

    49ms ping

    21.72Mbps down

    8.34 Up


    They were a little sporadic as I traveled about the city, but stayed well above 6Mbps the times/locations I tested and had very low pings. I'm not sure if LTE is even finished here but it sure felt like it was. Playing HQ Pandora streams while uploading HD pics to facebook is something I've been aching to do with my cell since I got my S3!

    Wrong thread that is the Bay area market. Found here http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2225-Network-Vision/LTE---SF-Bay-Market


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



  3. Best Buy burned me once a while back but I decided to give them a try again a year later. The Mobile guys burned me again so I do not do business with them anymore.

    I'm sorry to hear that. But I guess every business has its bad apples. Come to my store next time and I will take care of you. Lol. I have always had above exceptional experiences there as a customer and that's one of the reasons I wanted to work there.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



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  4. I don't blame them... I will walk away/out if I see someone in retail goofing off on their phone instead of helping others that need it.

    I went to a 3rd party Sprint store one morning and the employee was sitting on the counter on his phone. I asked a few questions and he couldn't answer any of them and hardly looked up from his phone at me. This store is terrible in general and I will never do business or recommend a 3rd party retailer. Not to mention Best Buy is wwwwwaaaaayyyyyy better anyway. What's weird is I went on the internet to make a complaint and couldn't find any info or recognition of that store anywhere. I went to Google maps, the 3rd parties website, searched Google etc. And nothing.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2


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  5. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 6 January 2012


    If Cingular had thrown money into it WiMax might have survived for a while longer, but LTE is probably still a better technology. Does anyone know how many WiMax networks are deployed worldwide, and do they use the same frequency that Clear uses?

    Well they are paying you for your time and to do your job. So they make the rules or just quit. I won't have time to use my phone ever anyways. And I've been in management for a retailer before and didn't tolerate employees playing on their phone. There are always exceptions to the rules though for emergencies. But the person could always just call the store if it was that much of a dire situation.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2


  6. I can't have my phone or anything on me while I work at Beat Buy while on the clock. Although I will be working in the Mobile/Tablets department so I'll be on them all day anyway. Lol. I start next Friday.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



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  7. So wouldn't that make the Samsung ATIV the reverse, or opposite, of life? We can just call it the death phone. :P


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    True, death it is. Vita was already taken by Sony I guess.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



  8. Yeah, what in the heck is an Ativ??


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    ATIV, the reverse the word VITA, meaning “Life” in Latin, is a pledge by Samsung to make everyone’s life extraordinary with excitement.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



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  9. My Note 2 has a 2000 PRL also. I've read that across the nation people are complaining about this PRL. I'm rooted, so I could switch, but I've seen a difference really when switching. (Except in Chilis in Rancho)


    I also read this from someone that knows about these things, "PRLs have no affect on LTE speeds. The only time a PRL will affect LTE speeds is if you write one that has no enabler record for your area and that will prevent your phone from connecting to LTE. So in layman's terms all there is an on/off switch in the PRL for LTE, nothing more."

    I have the S4 and my prl is 55015. It was that on my S3 too.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2



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