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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Where do you see them fitting GSM in SMR? Is GSM/WCDMA even approved for the SMR band?
  2. Yeah, it's amazing that they did not include BRS/EBS. The combined company will have plenty of mid and high frequency spectrum but not too much sub 1Ghz spectrum.
  3. Here is some metrics on what the combined Sprint/TMobile will look like: http://www.fiercewireless.com/special-reports/what-would-combined-sprint-and-t-mobile-look
  4. Perception is reality sometimes and right now they are seen as innovators by the general public. Plus they are seen as people that get things done whereas Sprint's management are seen as bumblers.
  5. The merger will be approved. The DOJ might even sue and then the companies will have to make some spectrum concessions and the merger will close in about a year.
  6. Get used to it. For better or worse, he and T-Mobile are seen as the innovators. He is reason no 1 that a merger will be approved (with spectrum concessions).
  7. I was there about a year and a half ago...I could not get voice in some places....on T-Mobile.
  8. Sprint (NYSE: S) CEO Dan Hesse said he does not see the carrier going head-to-head in the near-term with the likes of Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA), Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ) and AT&T (NYSE: T) in the market for wired home broadband Internet access. Hesse's comments, made during a Sprint meeting with industry analysts and relayed by an analyst, stand in contrast to the long-term vision of Sprint Chairman and SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, who has said Sprint could eventually compete in and shake up the wired broadband market in the U.S. Read more: Sprint's Hesse says there is no plan to attack wired broadband market in near-term - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-hesse-says-there-no-plan-attack-wired-broadband-market-near-term/2014-06-05#ixzz33ncq77kb The right hand does not know what the left is doing? Or is one talking about the short term whereas the other one is talking about the long term?
  9. It's not an either/or proposition. They will finish building both networks, although band 41 buildout might slow down a bit since 20x20 AWS is rather lightly used.
  10. I know that Verizon and AT&T have a better network in Springfield, but T-Mobile? No, not the last time I was there. But then, AT&T was not very good voice wise in New Hampshire, where USCC has the other 850Mhz spectrum band. Sprint is going to be very good. Will it ever be as strong as Verizon and AT&T. I believe they will if they get some 600Mhz and merge with T-Mobile.
  11. it would have been a much better proposition if they did it before both went on the LTE deployment binge...
  12. Sprint and T-Mobile are also considering forming a joint venture to bid together in upcoming auctions of wireless airwaves, the people familiar with the matter said. http://online.wsj.com/articles/sprint-t-mobile-generally-agree-on-merger-terms-1401919219 Instead of merging?
  13. I hate to repeat myself but here what I see happening: 1. You mean 10x10 and 20x20?
  14. It's about time....They have been talking to each other for about 3+ freaking years. It's like the people that are engaged for 7 years and finally decide to tie the knot. Enough already!
  15. Wildly inflated prices caused by the Dotcom rush. Plus they will maintain a 20% interest in the combined company.
  16. I know it has its pros. But had it been proceeded by acquisition of Alltel, USCC and some other rural carriers it could have been so much better.
  17. -137dbm RSRP is awfully tight limit. Darn!
  18. This is backbone interconnection where a call originates from a Verizon caller and terminates on either the Sprint or T-Mobile network or vice versa.
  19. EBS is generally the 2500MMz band. BRS, the 2600MHz band. For a band plan, see here: http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/brsebs/data/BRSEBSBandPlan.pdf EBS is all leased from different educational institutions and the Catholic Church. BRS is all owned. I don't know what the value of leased spectrum is.
  20. I personally feel that the exclusionary zone is way too wide and everybody needs to adjust downtilt to minimize interference.
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