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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. http://www.800ta.org/content/reporting/QPR_03.31.14.pdf Look at Chart 1. The actual physical returning is nearing completion. All that is left is the verification. and that chart was of 3/31/2014.
  2. Softbank might want to buy NII. They have some pretty valuable spectrum...
  3. NII will know which Mexican officials to bribe, I mean lobby, to get it done
  4. The Canadian IBEZ will be sorted out before the end of the year. The Mexican IBEZ on the other hand...
  5. One of these days a tell all book will be written about this rebanding boondoggle.
  6. The basic reason that Legere and Neville are coming over is that the Feds like them. They have an image as mavericks and doers. Of course by the time the merger is complete, pretty much all the network upgrading would be complete. They can't really take credit for that. But band 41 work might slow down somewhat, since with the right handsets you could access LTE networks on both sides.
  7. Whatever they do, I hope they get it over with. I am a supporter of the deal, but man I am tired of all the waiting...
  8. Where exactly near downtown are you located? Mockingbird is pretty far from downtown.
  9. Yes, but it requires thinking out of the box!Oh, money as well...
  10. Because they want to capture their fair share of cord cutters. People that want to watch live events on their tablets or laptops or even phones.
  11. From Chart 1 it seems that the only areas that the physical returning is not complete are the border areas. The Canadian border rebanding js substantially complete. The Mexican border is a mess....
  12. Yes they are but they had to increase their annual common stock dividend to $9B.
  13. Verizon has a debt load of $116B (at least it had when the vodafone transaction concluded). I don't know that they can afford another purchase until they can get that debt down. Dish won't come cheap. They can afford to buy some of Dish's spectrum however.
  14. http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1841022-T-Mobile-to-pick-up-most-of-AT-amp-T-Leap-spectrum-divestitures and just for you AJ: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/attachments/attachmentViewRD.jsp?applType=search&fileKey=647463878&attachmentKey=19406490&attachmentInd=applAttach pages 12-18
  15. He can't deploy. It costs an arm and a leg. Just ask Sprint...
  16. Dish has spectrum, but does not have a network. They need to partner with somebody.
  17. TSMC is shipping A series processors to apple using their 20nm process thereby allowing Apple to diversify their suppliers. http://online.wsj.com/articles/tsmc-starts-shipping-microprocessors-to-apple-1404991514 Something tells me that MDM 9635 is getting minted using the same process .
  18. If Dish can strong-arm AT&T into selling them their 700MHz D block spectrum in return for Dish's not opposing the DirectTV merger Dish will have 12MHz to use LTE Broadcast for special events such as the Super Bowl, Daytona 500, etc. Any other time that spectrum can get aggregated via carrier aggregation with one of their other downlinks. Maybe, Sprint can tie up with Dish somehow, not necessarily through a complete merger. I hope that Sprint has enough visionary thinkers that think strategically....
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