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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Yep, same thing with Apple Lossless. It is compressed lossless format, averaging around half of the maximum rate.
  2. Amazing thing happens when you have money. You can speed up the process by making some political contributions to certain people. Or donate a few SUVs for the sheriff and his lieutenants to drive on the job.
  3. Took the words right out of my mouth. The reason that Sprint is doing all this small cell for coverage thing is that they are broke. That has been their problem for at least 10 years now. Otherwise they'd be doing it the same way as everybody else. And they would have rebanded the 800MHz spectrum like 7 years ago.
  4. Yeah it isn't but lower frequency spectrum helps. If they can do it using small cells more power to them. I want to see results.
  5. Of course not, since Sprint has covered the suburbs/exurbs so well!
  6. Since we are talking about irate customers, a woman in Florida drove her SUV through a T-Mobile store. http://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2017/01/13/florida-woman-intentionally-drives-suv-through-t-mobile-store. Don't piss your customers off.
  7. Hillborough Country PCS spectrum map is a mess because of disaggregation. They own 7.5x7.5 MHz in the A block and then 5MHz*5MHz in the C block. They need to do some horse trading with T-Mobile in that area in the C Block so that they can have a 10x10 including the G block. Their 7.5MHz A block requires both Verizon and AT&T and T-Mobile to get involved to swap in order to make it a 15x15 block. Now my info is based on the FCC spectrum dashboard so it does not include any swaps from last year for that area.
  8. Artemis Networks continues to test with Dish while Dish is showing off Artemis wares in their CES booth. Artemis also announced the PWave Mini which can be cable stand mounted and is pretty small at 15mm. http://www.fiercewireless.com/tech/dish-exploring-5g-options-including-artemis-pcell-technology
  9. I'm sure they're aware. - Trip They seem to flaunt those rules and dare you to take them to court.
  10. That's why we have forums so we can speculate. Otherwise these forums would be boring! If we can't speculate and bash Sprint what is this site good for?
  11. They did not apply. AT&T is one of the finalists and the most likely winner. Verizon is the other.
  12. I don't think it would have happened under Hillary since she would probably not take kindly to a merger.
  13. Maybe Sprint/Trump can announce a massive densification/coverage expansion of the network and actually commit money to get it done. Then announce it again when it's actually finished. That's a win/win I can get behind. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
  14. See I am old and skeptical. CEOs don't just let the President announce and get credit for job creation if they don't get something for it. It's Sprint that's creating the jobs, not Trump. By letting him claim credit for it they are doing him a favor. They are going to call on the favor at some point or another. I firmly believe it's about the merger. Take the $256M battery plant in Buffalo Between Tesla and Panasonic. Don't you think that was a quid pro quo from Trump? As in don't touch the federal subsidies for renewables? If I was running either of these companies I would definitely make a deal where I got something out of it. Wouldn't you?
  15. The merger will happen and all this talk about job creation is to make up for the fact that with a merger there will be job losses. They will probably couch it in terms of in order for T-Mobile and Sprint to create a 5G/gigabit network that is essential for IOT/smart cities they can't do it alone since they just took on massive debt to implement 4G. and that the deployment will create more jobs.
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