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Posts posted by bigsnake49

  1. 1 hour ago, Fraydog said:

    It will be interesting to see how LAA works with LinkNYC. I hope there isn’t any interference and everything is properly vetted in that regard, especially since LinkNYC is obscenely fast.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    They will have to share. LAA has a listen before transmit feature to avoid interference.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, danlodish345 said:

    But phone carriers will not get priority?

    Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

    Well actually, since LAA requires licensed spectrum for the control signals, they will use 5GHz in completion with WiFi users. Cable cos can only use LAA if they rent licensed spectrum from cellular carriers. Now since Comcast has 600Mhz spectrum they might use it for LAA.

  3. 4 minutes ago, danlodish345 said:

    It's not being deployed Nationwide?

    Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

    In order to deploy nationwide it would require vast numbers of small cells. I predict that it will redeployed at least initially in stadiums, malls, large buildings, box stores, etc. T-Mobile will have to share the spectrum with other carriers and cable cos that have an advantage in that they can use strand mounted small cells.

  4. On 3/3/2018 at 5:24 PM, bucdenny said:

    Its LAA, saw a post on Reddit. Its pushing over 300Mbps.  Not sure if LAA is nationwide or New Jersey. 

    it uses carrier aggregation of both the 5GHZ band, yep the same band that WiFi uses and a licensed LTE band. The licensed part is used for control signals. The 5GHz band is shared with WiFi users and other carriers that decide to implement LAA. If nobody else is using it it is capable of vast amounts of bandwidth. If everybody else is using as well the available bandwidth goes down precipitously!


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  5. 15 hours ago, nexgencpu said:

    FCC supposedly gonna help fund network expansion into rural areas..


    There will be an auction where you bid to provide such broadband for the lowest price. Maybe Sprint can bid in that auction to help defray some of their rural expansion costs. 

    • Like 4
  6. 18 hours ago, RedSpark said:

    That's basically peanuts. Maybe enough for protection sites. I still think that their best best is to be acquired. This payTV side lost another 121K customers. Their SlingTV is doing great however.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, Joski1624 said:

    Alltel's mostly rural coverage is what sunk them financially.  I don't think Sprint was in any position to acquire them at the time.

    Alltel was a very healthy company financially with very low debt that would have complemented Sprint's coverage. Alltel had approached Sprint repeatedly about a merger but Forsee was totally blind. Alltel finally gave up and sold itself to a hedge fund that used Alltel's borrowing ability to borrow the money for the buyout. So Alltel was heavy leveraged after the buyout but not before. Sprint was in perfect position to merge with them before the hedge fund buyout.

    • Like 3
  8. We all know and love the CBRS band from 3550-3700MHz. There are certain incumbents in that band (cough DoD, cough) but a sharing mechanism has been established. Part of the sharing mechanism involves reduced power to avoid interference with the incumbents. What about the band above it, 3.7-4.2GHz? Well it turns out that Intelsat owns all of it as of right now. However the wireless operators have been eyeing it for a while. Verizon wants to buy a chunk of it from Intelsat, let's say 100Mhz and let Intelsat use the rest for whatever they're using it right now. T-Mobile wants the FCC to have a two phase auction ala 600Mhz auction in which Intelsat gets compensated by the proceeds of the auction. AT&T does not seem to be interested because they're busy with the Firstnet deployment and who knows what Sprint is thinking? Well what about Dish, where do they come in? Well it was long thought that Verizon was the only customer for their spectrum. What happens if Verizon gets a chunk of the 3.7-42GHz band? Between LAA, CBRS and this new band, it seems that Dish's spectrum has no buyers anymore. Tim Farrar explains it very well here:


  9. 2 hours ago, derrph said:

    Wow! Bids already awarded in 5 states and work is already underway. There’s a renewed faith in Sprint especially since there’s major evidence work is being done. I really hope Sprint kicks ass this year and gets the LTE network together(coverage similar to or slightly larger than AT&T) and bash some heads and compete head to head with Verizon with 5G.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Imagine if Son had actually let Sprint spend some money to get their network in order while pursuing the T-Tmobile merger. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, Tengen31 said:

    There are things I don't get either. Why B26 is just now going to get aggregated. There is no reason the S6-s7 shouldn't have had B26 CA. There's also the crap of not thinking about Aggregating B13 with 25 or 41 in Puerto Rico on the S9.I also don't get in Orlando FL why almost a year later some towers don't have 15x15 while others do. It's just a software update. How hard is that. 

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk






    While they agree to swap spectrum on a market bases, the actual spectrum swaps have to be done on a site by site basis. It could be a software switch but people from Sprint and the other carriers actually have to do it, possibly late at night/early morning, then do a drive by test. It's probably the testing that is actually holding it up.

  11. 1 hour ago, Dkoellerwx said:

    Only in specific markets that have 30 to 40Mhz of contiguous PCS spectrum. Seattle has contiguous spectrum with the G-Block that allows them to widen the channel to 15x15. 

    Many markets have 30 to 40Mhz of PCS spectrum. The limiting factor is whether it is contiguous or not. In markets that have C-Block spectrum adjacent to the G-Block spectrum, they can expand beyond 5x5. Some markets that have 20Mhz of A or B-Block spectrum may also see 10x10 channels + 5x5 in the G-Block.

    Do we know that all of those spectrum swaps are actually finished?

    Maybe they can just use the 800MHz CDMA channel as fall back and use all of the 1900Mhz spectrum for LTE and VOLTE.

  12. 1 hour ago, avb said:

    I don't think anyone wants to build out Dish's network for them. It would have happened already if that were the case. 

    Dish has an unrealistic idea of what their spectrum is worth. With 4x4 MIMO, 256QAM, Massive MIMO hotspots, LAA, 3.5GHz there is plenty of spectrum available even before millimeter spectrum. They totally distorted the AWS-3 auction and caused Sprint to overpay for Clearwire and Softbank to overpay for Sprint. So let's just say that they have no friends among the 4 Cellular carriers. But at some point or another they will make a deal with somebody. Will it include the Satellite business which has been losing customers for a while now or just Sling and the spectrum?

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Tengen31 said:

    I still vote dish. I don't know if their B29 ( I think it is) would do Sprint much good tho. It was only 5x0 

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk






    Do you mean their 600Mhz holdings? Yes it is 5Mhz nationwide but more in the urban areas. If I was Dish, I would let T-Mobile host the 600Mhz spectrum and maybe the AWS-3 spectrum. Now AWS-4 is different animal altogether.

  14. On 1/21/2018 at 11:42 AM, vryan44 said:

    I think it is definitely needed for rural areas for what you explain, as for urban environments, deployed as needed and set as a last priority connection only for deep inside buildings, etc.

    I still don't see a really convincing business case for 5G. The only benefit I see is lower latency. With LAA on 5GHz and CBRS being opened up the need for capacity will be quenched for a long time. Not to mention Massive MIMO, 256QAM, etc.

  15. 17 hours ago, Dkoellerwx said:


    Some of those are repeaters. LTE is uncertain on those. The full new sites are NV, and perhaps even tri-band. They will have LTE once the appropriate backhaul is acquired and integration crews have been at the site.

    Do they plan to keep 3G going for longer than 2020? Or will they become LTE repeaters at some point?

  16. 7 minutes ago, Tengen31 said:

    All 4 carriers have the holdings to cover everywhere. Att 12/5 vzw with B13 Sprint will band 26 and T-Mobile with B12/71

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Oh everybody has the spectrum but when you are basically covering farmland does it make sense financially to have all 4 cover it? One farmhouse every 500 acres?

  17. 3 minutes ago, Tengen31 said:

    I'm Glad they didn't merge we need 4 carriers. I would like to see them merge with USCC.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    We don't need 4 carriers. It is wasteful to have 4 carriers covering the same sparsely populated areas that can barely support one carrier.

    I am all for them merging with USCC and partnering with Dish or the cable cos. Anything to create value.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 hour ago, derrph said:


    Quite possible yes in hopes that a merger between the two would take place. That is indeed interesting that Carter did say that. It was like he was almost saying that as Sprints network gets stronger, they really wouldn’t need anyone else let alone another carrier to merge with. They have the tools to go it alone, the ability branch off into different areas outside of cellular with their Spectrum and will be more than fine.

    I did see that in the article there was a mention that an M&A is still an option for T-Mobile. Realistically, couldn’t T-Mobile go it alone?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I think it is very stupid that the Sprint/T-Mobile did not merge over control of the combined entity. 

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  19. 11 hours ago, Tengen31 said:

    The board was Dumb. Wonder if they had the chance if they would do it now.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    The board was epically wrong. They should have merged with not just Metro but Leap. Influx of 15M customers and strengthened midband spectrum. Just like they were epically wrong not to merge with Alltel.

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