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    Moto g6 play
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  1. Well, to be fair Boost is the only brand that really competes with Metro. Cricket has their $55 unlimited plan, but it's highly throttled...
  2. They have (or at least have had) signal boosters for their network.
  3. Is there any indication of when in September people will be able to opt into the VoLTE beta? Not sure if I'll be able to wait until Sept 30!
  4. I'm not going to pretend to know what technologies will be on the horizon in four years, but if the merger isn't approved I would imagine T-Mobile would renew the roaming agreement with Sprint. If I were T-Mobile I'd hate to have Sprint sending millions of dollars to Verizon or AT&T when I could be using Sprint's money to develop a 5g network to compete against AT&T/Verizon while also holding Sprint hostage.
  5. Just want to share my experience from earlier. My phone didn't connect to at&t LTE until I was roaming on Verizon. Once it connected to at&t it stayed connected even after I went back on native Sprint coverage. I also noticed that my phone seems more willing to roam onto Verizon voice while connected to Sprint LTE. Is this actually possible or just my imagination?
  6. Is it possible to configure devices to roam on T-Mobile or other extended LTE - but not at&t - for volte calls while still on Sprint 1x or is it such that if Sprint allows b12 roaming on 1x there isn't a way to discriminate the lte carrier? I'm worried that VoLTE may have a very rocky start without roaming...
  7. That's disappointing. With yesterday being the first of the month, I kinda wonder if they did that to get some more favorable numbers.
  8. There was some suggestion that today might be the day T-Mobile roaming becomes active. Has anyone been able to roam onto T-Mobile yet?
  9. I was just going from memory. I must've remembered it wrong.
  10. I've used SignalCheck on an AT&T phone. I think it just shows GSM because the radio is in GSM/UMTS/etc mode. It looks like it was connected to HSPA.
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