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Everything posted by deankelem

  1. I think I saw one yesterday while driving home from work. I do not have a pic since I was driving but it looked similar to this design (see attachment). Not sure if it was live yet but the assembly looked brand new. I had to put this attachment on my file server at home since its a large pdf. http://download.kelemcom.com/www_public/S4GRU/1800%207th%20Street%20S%20Construction%20Drawings.pdf I saw a similar setup yesterday right about in this area. The pole looked new too: https://goo.gl/maps/xzZwZ4gWoZs
  2. No, 10. Figured you meant the 10 too considering the thread.
  3. RCS hasn't enabled for you in GM? Mine enabled no problem after a few minutes of use. On the latest FW and build.
  4. They have a few of those types of towers here in Houston. You might be able to see it form google maps or street view. This particular site I do not think it's a sprint cell but it is the exact same looking tower. Its just east of the 43rd street and TC Jester intersection in Houston. It should be around the area linked below. I don't think its a Sprint tower since there looks to be a "traditional" sprint tower right next to it. Anyone know what carrier this is? https://www.google.com/maps/@29.8325603,-95.4508698,3a,75y,141.3h,113.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRqO09UIVXrN6MZ90eWUoww!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  5. Awesome, I benefited greatly at my home from a clear site being converted to b41 lte. Do you know of any clear sites that still need to be converted? I know you mentioned there are some but do you have any specific ones you can tell me?
  6. Awesome, thanks for the info and I agree with you completely on the metro area zoning versus the suburbs. Idk if you have ever seen some of the camouflaging verizon has done in the Katy area with cell towers looks like pine trees but they obviously spent a lot of money to do so.. I would love to see sprint densified in this area because the b41 speeds are amazing.
  7. Does anyone know when we can expect to start seeing small cells being deployed across Houston?
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