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Status Updates posted by MarkyD311

  1. Go home Commissioner, you're drunk! http://t.co/xPoflnr

  2. Thanks to @citrix for the delicious lunch today.

  3. What chu know about wearin' a wolf on yo noggin?

  4. I'm going to miss not having a car payment.

  5. Double whoa. RT @CaseyCornett Whoa. RT @koconews: Aubrey McClendon to retire from Chesapeake Energy http://t.co/Uqdet2S

  6. My little guy is asleep all cuddled up to me. I'm going to miss this when he's too cool for dad.

  7. I really hope this dude is sterile. http://t.co/Hdbto5g

  8. Thankful to be home with my sick boy today. He is extra sweet when he is sick.

  9. Getting my W2 is depressing. So much of my check is going to the man :(

  10. Psycho ex coworker still sending me email threats. Time to involve the cops, I think.

  11. Eek. My taxes are not pretty this year

  12. Tacos are guaranteed to lift my mood, no matter how bad my day has been. TACOS, you're my constant companion!

  13. Happy butt sucking today, friends.

  14. Bennett described this "art" as a cat with a sunflower head/tail and a cosmic brownie foot. I don't even... http://t.co/6TpbsU1

  15. Hey baby, que paso? I thought I was your only vato.

  16. Crazy fired former coworker emailing every executive in the company to tell them they should have fired me instead. U MAD??

  17. How to be a terrible person: put skittles and M&Ms in the same bowl. Wait for someone to grab a handful. Revel in your evil deed.

  18. PSA for my fellow gentlemen with big ass noggins: Goorin Bros Slayer cap is the best cap ever.

  19. Look dudes...I'm really going on the @311Cruise . It just hit me. Repeat cruisers: name some essentials that I should bring, please.

  20. Helluva @tastebudsok show last night. Thanks for filling the place for us. Much love @Dawkinakus and crew

  21. Go home, aunt flo. You're drunk.

  22. pumped to learn that a whole bunch of 311fam are coming from Denver, Dallas, and elsewhere to see our @tastebudsok show on Saturday.

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