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Posts posted by leerage

  1. This ROM is only going to get better. Chad Goodman is now working on tweaking his kernel for it. Newt said BT is fixable and I believe Chad can get the camera going with the kernel fixes. Should be a near complete ROM here soon!

  2. Very interesting! I know cable cos are a great source for backhaul since they have local fiber everywhere in the markets they serve. There have been some articles on how cable operators have really helped drive down backhaul pricing.


    Are there any examples where sprint runs its own fiber to a tower? If so, it seems like it would only be a handful that they do that. There was a lightreading article last year that was saying "AT&T dropped their pants" on backhaul pricing to Sprint but that's been about it.


    It would be great to read an article on backhaul - so if you want to write one up, I would be the first to read it :)

    Also kind of another question to go along with this Robert, with the info you get about upgraded NV towers, do you also get info about what backhaul is used? I'd be curious to see what was used in my areas towers.
  3. As some of you are probably aware, newtoroot has got his hands on the Sprint ICS leak (EVO 4G LTE RUU) (although I think its mainly ported from the One S leak as well), and has already got an almost fully functional ROM for Evo 3D owners.


    Outside of 3D and WiMax, only the camera and bluetooth seem to be the only issues right now. Newtoroot should be releasing it here soon.


    This will give us Evo 3D owners a nice taste of ICS and Sense 4.0.... will tie me over til June 10th!




    That is Tmartin's thread... newtoroot should be creating his own here soon.

    • Like 1
  4. I had the PPC6800 (alltel) and the Touch Pro 2 on Sprint... I always thought I needed to have a physical keyboard. But when I decided to get the Evo 4G and a couple weeks of use I did not need a physical keyboard any more. But this mainly boils down to preference. I think HTC should continue to make at least 1 phone with a physical keyboard.

  5. How does VZ get away with charging $299 for its devices?......


    The Incridible 4G leaked out again today and initially was tagged at being a mid tier device given the specs of it only having a SLCD qHD display which is what the EVO3D has if im not mistaken...Well that theory is out the window now given the $299 tag that was put on the device on its droiddoes website today briefly...

    How they justify charging that for that phone is beyond me...CPU downclocked to 1.2...and older tech screen...just dont get it.


    side note:

    How AndroidCentral ran a piece saying this device is close in line with the OneS is a lil iffy to me...The OneS leaves the CPU clocked at 1.5, and also has state of the art casing versus the incridible4G LTE...



    Still shocked that VZ gets away with charging $300 for a device like this...most it should of been was $250 imho given the screen being SLCD qHD and not SLCD2 like the OneX/EVO4GLTE...Also the mere fact that ATT and TMobile are giving theirs away for $199 versus this should be eye opening to VZ users...


    I can only guess that VZ refuses to subsidize their phones as much as everyone else....with the only exception being the iPhone...lol






    hoping the price was a mere error from a copy of the Razr page and will be fixed when it goes live...was looking forward to getting this device for the wife but im deff not letting her pay $300 for this spec device...


    Thats always been a Verizon tradition. They know people will shell out the $300 for phones. Most people probably just see a new name and don't realize they are buying older tech.

  6. Don't mean to burst your bubble, but you won't have Sprint 4G LTE in some areas for a while-- Kansas City maybe by September, other areas maybe a year or more. Regardless, the LTE EVO does do SVDO, so you can talk and surf on 3G with it.

    Its all good. I figured it probably would take some time for other areas. I'm up and KC about once a week so I will have to do some testing then :)
  7. Yup mentioned this a few posts above this actually...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    Right on.... yeah... i just found that kinda crazy that tmobile had the One S that high. Hope the Evo 4G LTE is priced at the $550... or less! :D

  8. I know it was mentioned the EVO 4G LTE should be $549 off contract, but I thought I would mention T-Mobile is selling the HTC One S for $600 off contract and $199 on contract.


    Hope that is just a T-Mobile thing and Sprint will price the EVO 4G LTE right.

  9. Here in the next month or so when I get my EVO 4G LTE I'll be saying ---


    "I don't always surf on the net and talk at the same time, but when I do it's on Sprint 4G LTE."


    :) Most of the time if I've got something to look up while I'm on the phone I'm usually in a WiFi spot.... I don't live in a WiMax area so I've never been able to take advantage of that.

  10. Holy moly!


    I got my evo 4g off contract and it came out to $478 inc tax


    Sent from my hTc Evo!

    Actually $550 sounds good to me. Wasn't the Rezound like $799 or something crazy?


    I've got to buy the EVO 4G LTE off contract so $550 isn't sounding too bad.

    • Like 1
  11. You could always buy out your contract then upgrade, that might save you a few dollars if you really wanted to get the e4glte.

    Good point. I seen that incentive Sprint was offering awhile back about buying out the rest of your contract, but I didn't think I qualified since I used my upgrade on the Evo 3D in August 2011. Is there a department that handles this specifically that could let me know how much it would cost?
  12. Actually the other post made me think I might of taken you wrong...the 2yr contract pricing is $199, full retail pricing hasn't been announced from what I have seen....


    Gotta like how Sprint manages to get the thing for $199 still, while you look over at VZ and see all the $250-299 phones...

    Ohh yeah... I'm not eligible for upgrade til August 2013 so I'd be looking at the off contract price if I want to pick up the EVO 4G LTE. I'd probably work out great if I did get it off contract as by August 2013 there will probably be another EVO out :)


    It is good though Sprint keeping the subsidized price at $200.

  13. I do think I'm going to pick this phone up though. I'll just have to pick it up off-contract as I'm not due for an upgrade til August 2013. I was really surprised that the Sprint towers around me were getting NV/LTE ... so I've gotta test out that LTE. :)

  14. no more than 1 page back from here its mentioned already bud...

    Haha yeah, I was reading through the first page and completely missed all the other pages... so I edited my comment. Running on a couple hours of sleep this morning haha
  15. The pictures I seen today were not what I had in mind, but I don't think that would keep me from purchasing. If Sprint holds true to the rumored specs ( SLCD2, 2650 mAh battery, MicroSD) I will pick it up.... will have to be off contract though as I'm not due for an upgrade til August 2013 :(

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