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Posts posted by leerage

  1. All, I was able to snap some photos of a before and after Network Vision upgrade. The site is KC03SW149 right outside of Manhattan Kansas. Enhanced 3G and LTE are up and running on this site. I will post those speedtests below.


    Before Network Vision:






    After Network Vision:







    Another View:






    4G Speed Tests:




    Consistent 20+ mbps download and 10+ mbps upload.



    Enhanced 3G:






    The enhanced 3G is definitely active. When I took the Before picture, I had also ran a speedtest and got under 100kbps.

    • Like 16
  2. i keep seeing him dropping his cigarette and causes a massive wildfire. :o That's MI03XC001 right off the Turnpike. See Map To the east of Princeton.



    Yup. I wasn't sure if it was ok to post site location :)


    Although I noticed the google maps screen shot i posted had the road name in it.

  3. ^

    Nice work, Inspector.

    If not in Homestead, where was it, exactly?


    Sent you a PM.


    Took me a bit to find.... the house right next to the site gave it away. I envy the guy who owns that home......


    Robert, that isn't your vacation home is it??

    • Like 3
  4. Ok I think I've found the site. Although I'm not sure what he was thinking what he said they were in Homestead because I didn't find this site close to Homestead.






    According to the maps and the data about dates for this site.... I would say this is 100% legit.

    • Like 6
  5. I've been searching around the maps and trying to find this site but no luck yet.


    Not saying it is not real, just trying to find the site. Certainly looks legit. I should send the youtube guy an email.


    He has got a couple other videos too.

  6. All, I've uploaded some photos of the tower closest to my house and need some help identify the sprint panels on it. 2 of 3 base stations are TMobile and AT&T so I followed the coax from the 3rd base station and I believe it to be the top rung on picture DSCF1049. Let me know what you guys think:


    Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xi0klmhiyspbty1/4w1BG26d3f?m#/


    I've also got some other towers I need help identifying and will upload those photos soon.



  7. Anybody heard of any Sprint LTE tablets here in the near future? I was thinking about picking up the Nexus 7 as my first tablet, but thought if Sprint were to release a LTE tablet I would pick it up if it wasn't too much on the monthly bill.


    I would hope HTC would try to make a new LTE tablet for Sprint but unsure of HTC's tablet future.

  8. The great part is you don't need to be HTCDev unlocked and probing your device with wire (lol) like previous releases. I should have waited just a bit longer instead of going HTCDev route.... oh well. The nice part is you can return back to a **LOCKED** watermark and not a **RELOCKED** watermark if you need warranty/fixed through Sprint (it shouldn't matter regardless with Sprint though).


    Going to give this a go tonight.

  9. I can't wait to go pick mine up from Best Buy today! Will be testing out my 64gb sd card... works in my Evo 3D so I don't see why it shouldn't work in the Evo LTE

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