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Posts posted by leerage

  1. I think this update is a step backwards in terms of LTE connectivity. In areas where I used to automatically connect to LTE I no longer do, i have to use the Airplane mode toggle again. This really sucks, is there a way to roll back to the previous update?

    If you are S-OFF you can.
  2. I understand the concern, but my post didn't have discussion on how to circumvent Sprint's control measures. I was just merely commenting on the fact that the author of the article thought that since FoxFi didn't work after the JB update it was deemed a "bug" when in fact it was obviously Sprint/HTC implementing stopping measures to unauthorized tethering.

  3. This doesn't really pertain to network vision but I hope someone can answer this for me. I work for a small city outside of Cleveland and on our property is a tower that features Verizon, at&t, T-Mobile, revol wireless and supposedly sprint according to a guy that was looking at the tower. He was from T-Mobile btw. He said sprint is on this tower. I said your crazy. I've got one bar of service. He even took me over to show me the door into the little building. What could it be? Nextel?

    You are probably better off starting your own thread about this or post in your market area. Pics would really help too.
  4. Yes! I didn't see it the first time, also, the google voice input option showed up for me. When I looked last night after the upgrade it wasn't available to be selected yet. Kind of a hassle though, you would have to open a text box up, then drag down the top bar to change the input method, but, it does default back to the swype keyboard then.

    I know what ya mean. I've been typing so many errors on the stock keyboard and keep forgetting numbers are now in the left hand corner. Will take a bit to get used to.
  5. Unless you (or he) have a problem with being on fringe coverage, I think you would be fine with getting any of the currently available phones. I guess his location would factor in. If you don't mind me asking, where does he live? I wouldn't want to wait for LTE 800 if LTE 1900 is already out there.


    Yes, by the time your upgrades come around, LTE 800 phones should be out there, and the LTE 800 network should be alive and running.

    He is in Wichita Kansas so coverage should be pretty good for him. I know I don't really have an issue when going down there.


    I think that is what I'll probably do is go ahead and get him on my account and by the time LTE 800 is ready and up and going... he should be able to upgrade.

  6. My brother is currently with Verizon now and is wanting to get rid of them. I plan on adding him to my plan but was wondering if he should wait longer for newer phones or go with something that is out now?


    I know LTE 800 phones aren't due til mid or late 2013... so I'm wondering if he got on with Sprint with me now by the time he has an upgrade the new phones with LTE 800 should be readily available and LTE 800 should be in the works as well?



  7. Any update that doesnt causes problems is a good one in my book.


    PS. Does anybody know if I update via OTA will I lose my unlock/rooted privs?


    I would not take the OTA. Just wait for your favorite dev to update and then update the radio and such via the bootloader (I'm assuming you are S-OFF).

  8. Had Google Now on my old rooted Evo 3D. Actually got pretty annoyed with it after awhile. Sometimes I'd search for different menus of restaurants and then I'd get directions to those restaurants for the next hour or so. It is a cool concept though.

    You might give Google Now a try on a JB device if you haven't already. I know it was kind of patched together to get it to work on ICS and I had problems with it all the time. I've used it a couple of times on my Dad's GS3 and it worked perfectly.
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