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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. The audio argument is really tedious. If you want higher audio quality, pay for the premium data. Not really that hard. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  2. It is very close with 2×CA in the phoenix area, Even indoors. Too bad CA has been broken for a month and a half in my part of the valley. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  3. The same strategy they pursued in the late 2000s and that was terrible for their customers. It left sprint with a rotting network that had to be completely replaced. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  4. It is all about capex, everything is about the network and whether you can earn a return on the heavy investment it would take to create a top notch data network. Unfortunately, it isn't clear that you can and with sprint's debt load it might not be feasible. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  5. What is crazy is in a lot of phoenix sprint works extremely well . But then there is the lack of b26, broken carrier aggregation in Chandler for the last month, 12-24 sites scattered about the valley that still don't have LTE and all of this adds up to a very inconsistent and frankly poor costumer experience. I still can't recommend sprint to my friends and family. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  6. That has been the promise. Sprint, however, has a history of not following through. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  7. Does 3 CA break 2CA for device not capable of doing 3CA. I swear 2CA is broken in my area. I called sprint tech. Support and they acknowledge there were problems with my top two towers but they didn't know what they were or what they were affecting. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  8. AT&T unlimited plan isn't 140. It is 140 plus uverse or Dtv. You can do a simple price comparison of the two plans. Plus any discount applies to the 60 data cost. 22 percent of that would 19.20, I don't know of a tv plan that almost covers. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  9. It isn't a problem. It is the way the technology works. If it is EXTREMELY frustrating: one you must not come across very many problems and two it is easily fixed, get another carrier. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  10. Extremely? In all caps? First world problems to be sure. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  11. Proof? Look at sprint's own coverage map or take a road trip or live in the north east. Who did say they stopped 2.5 deployment? I didn't. I said their failure to deploy 2.5 on every tower, their state goal when NV 2.0 was announced, has hurt their average speed tests. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  12. No. Site spacing is a separate issue. 1900 doesn't exist on all of sprint original 40000 towers they planed to have it on with NV 1.0. My guess is around 1000 are 3g only or not upgraded at all. This is the problem to which I am referring. It is a major problem showing up in sprint's speed averages as measured by root and as experienced by customers. There are almost 20 or so sites in my city alone that have no LTE. To have 2.5 percent of your speed tests fall well below 1 mbps because they are being pulled off a 3g only tower is going to have a heavy negative effect on overall speed averages. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  13. No. Site spacing is a separate issue. 1900 doesn't exist on all of sprint original 40000 towers they planed to have it on with NV 1.0. My guess is around 1000 are 3g only or not upgraded at all. This is the problem to which I am referring. It is a major problem showing up in sprint's speed averages as measured by root and as experienced by customers. There are almost 20 or so sites in my city alone that have no LTE. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  14. It is not "nothing" as root metrics attests to. It is wholes in LTE coverages in major metros. Is is swaths of 3g only coverage on major highways and in towns and small cities across the country, especially in North East. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  15. Right. And that still isn't done. I separately complained about the lack of 2.6 precisely because I realize they are different projects. But nice try. Oh...and you are misrepresenting NV 1.0 as it included b25 being installed. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  16. "Pretty much" is a vague way of putting it. Probably a good 1000 towers are still with out LTE of any kind and at least 30 percent of towers don't have 2.5. It is a very inconsistent customer experience on the sprint network. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  17. The fact the NV 1.0 remains unfinished and they failed to deliver on their goal of putting 2.5 on every macro site that is killing them in the speed category. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  18. A merger would help sprint. First the networks are converging to a single technology in LTE. Second, the larger debt is of set by scale and cost reductions of the new merged company. Wireless is a capital intensive business which implies higher returns to scale. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  19. Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLooks like a test promo for people in phoenix and Oklahoma. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  20. You're AT&T rep. doesn't know what he is talking about. It is more likely unlimited will be going away, than it is to expand. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
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