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Posts posted by Hugo

  1. "Starburst" and "Saturn"? The Sprint-uh-Bank deal took on a bit of cloak and dagger.




    These two paragraphs show why I am optimistic about the Sprint-Softbank deal:


    Son and Hesse - an AT&T veteran with a fondness for sporting metaphors who got to know Son years ago when the Softbank chief invested in his telecom start-up Terabeam - had a relationship of trust that smoothed the talks, sources said.


    "Personally, there was a very positive chemistry between Masa and Dan," a source in Japan said, noting both are hands-on managers who also take the long view about their firms' future.

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  2. . . . the yard behind the house where the tower was located was clear but in front of the whole property had heavy equipment for digging etc.. I turned around and was followed by a black SUV, I got out of there and the utility contractors under the name of Atlantic Utility Constructors were laying line that I suspected to be fiber, I had no way of stopping to ask, This road has too much traffic to stop for even 10 seconds.. When I turned around and went the opposite way I came I noticed the same black SUV stopped with the rest of the utility trucks. I called the company and got the number to the foreman; He told me it was for FPL, Nothing more.. FPL is a power company, But at that moment it slipped my mind that they provide fiber in this area.. http://www.fplfibernet.com/index.shtml


    I'm going to drive by again and also call again to get some more information, I don't think its powerlines because of the overhead ones . . .


    Keep in mind that FPL is, at the request of homeowners/communities, converting some overhead powerlines to buried.





  3. . . . That brings me to the Sensorly app that was recommended. I used to have that in my phone, but uninstalled it. When I put it back in Friday Night, I remembered why. I guess I am gonna have to learn to get along with that app, or maybe find a setting in the app. When I hit the power button to put my EVO LTE back to sleep and the app makes it immediately come back on it torks me just a bit, maybe I'm too much of a control freak, but I like to think I'm the boss of the phone. The app said it was mapping because the phone had moved enough for it to be needed, but for crying out loud, I'm in a semi truck that is roughly an 8' cube inside, I couldn't have moved that far in a parked truck! . . .


    In Sensorly, go to "Menu" and select "Parameters." Make sure that "Allow passive scanning" is NOT checked.


    Hope this helps,



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