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Status Updates posted by newboyx

  1. What happened to @MaronIFC episodes on @HuluPlus ? @IFC said season 2 episodes would be available within days #twitterliedtome

  2. Fucking awesome! "@marcmaron: All Season 2 eps of @MaronIFC will be available on HULU PLUS just days after their @IFC airing"

  3. Walmart gets an extra layer of gross when "I wanna sex you up" is playing.


    http://t.co/Ikb4vZMyRh Awkward. @NAACP honoring Donald Sterling. How the fuck did this douche earn a lifetime achievement award?

  5. A wild Lucas in it's natural environment. Be careful not to startle him. http://t.co/zQcRiF75VS

  6. Most Americans don't believe in the Big Bang — here's why they should http://t.co/hhgGYI40EK via @voxdotcom

  7. RT @jamesfritzcomic: I have no way to prove it but I've long thought our collective IQ dropped 10 points when Comedy Central replaced KITH …

  8. RT @antsmars: Fox News' "War On (insert holiday)" is like the worst Peanuts special ever.

  9. RT @jamiekilstein: Ah Easter. The day where thousands of comedians change the wording of a Bill Hicks joke on twitter.

  10. I can't sleep, seems like a good time to binge watch some Bob's Burgers.

  11. Lucas felt the need for a selfie. Damn kids and their selfies. http://t.co/6FMsVTAJ3O

  12. Lunch with Lucas. Nothing more fun than hanging out in a room of screaming elementary school children. #pb&j http://t.co/NK4aWDH9lG

  13. Gerrymandering is fucked up politicians shouldn't pick their voters, voters should pick their politicians http://t.co/noT4V2uCjm

  14. Nailed it! "@antsmars: When referring to pop radio, I call it by it's true name: "Boobs Mc-Autotune vs. The Strumadilly Watergrass Boys""

  15. This concludes my meal pictures of the day. http://t.co/OOgn3YiyPz

  16. RT @wilw: Looking up at the #bloodmoon, I see Mars and another star, and realize that I live on a rock, hurtling through space. I think tha…

  17. RT @jamiekilstein: Talking with cab driver. I sarcastically say "yeah cause the rich create all the jobs" and HE goes "yeah these jobs" *st…

  18. Can they really call it an Easter Egg "Hunt" if they are right out in the open? http://t.co/6G93Fi2hVZ

  19. Attention all grocery store chains. #lightlife is easily the bottom of the fake meat barrel. Please try harder. Thanks

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