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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by newboyx

  1. There are very few sites with worse comment sections than BGR. At some point you would think they would try to clean it up.

  2. RT @likeamonsternow: Check out my Netflix Scream of the Week Pick on "I Laugh Like A Monster Now"https://t.co/WMTTutg6T8

  3. Thanks for the #birthday card, but I have no clue who the Wetzel Group is. I am to poor to have… http://t.co/9O7xedbBbn

  4. Listen to the bathroom stall, it knows what it is talking about http://t.co/P0rM15K1X5

  5. Listen to the soothing sounds of Wikipedia http://t.co/09cGTJPps6

  6. Using grooveIP? RT @antsmars: My "phone" is about be a Nexus 7 running CM 10, Sweet sauce!

  7. Well that was a way to end season 1 of #OITNB never thought I would tweet the word #Pennsatucky

  8. RT @ScottsROMS: Big Thanks to Benny for keeping up with the site while I am gone! That is one seriously great guy!

  9. Shiny new duct tape bracelet http://t.co/ki7ehOnV3n

  10. Your twitter feed makes you look like a drunk ;-) RT @paulwcarlton: Drinking a Dundee Pale Ale by @geneseebreweryhttp://t.co/zrrWJLyhyt

  11. RT @StephenAtHome: Televangelist Pat Robertson says being transgendered isn't a sin. But the question remains: What weather do they cause?

  12. Makes me chuckle

  13. Not the most flattering picture of minecraft_morgz http://t.co/GQmc6y9sEw

  14. Pretty cool forum! The Android Channel's Spread The Word Contest - http://t.co/K9oMEWDPl8

  15. Sweet! Come on nightlies! CyanogenMod Focal is CM's own full-featured camera app | Android Central - Google Chrome - http://t.co/n775bCL65B

  16. I ate a fresh pear yesterday. I had forgotten how delicious pears are. Note to self, buy more pears.

  17. USA PRISM Plus trolls the NSA on Twitter http://t.co/FkAePzyqi8 via @androidcentral

  18. I love #tedtalks One of the best ways to close out a long day. #Iamadork

  19. RT @Zinc323: "I’m waiting to hear the @NRA say that if Trayvon Martin had a gun, he might still be alive today." - @tavissmiley

  20. RT @Nickadoo: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev landed the cover of Rolling Stone by riding the coattails of his dead brother. He's like the Jim Belushi of…

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