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Posts posted by Arysyn

  1. Let’s eat, grandpa.

    Let’s eat grandpa.


    See the difference :P.

    Definitely a great point.


    When I'm writing, I'm not sure exactly how another person is going to read something, what they are use to seeing, etc. So, I have to go by what I think is going to be easier in separating things a certain way not to mix up words. Yet when I go back over what I've written I wonder about the comma usage being excessive. It really is my best guess at times that I understand to others may not seem so much that way.

  2. My Galaxy 7 does.

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

    Touch ID on the iPhone works beautifully.

    That is good to know. The reason I asked is because doing fingerprints is very difficult for me and today I needed to go somewhere to get them taken for an important governmental application process, which fortunately I found out there they accept thumbprints. It made me think about the scanning feature on smartphones I wasn't sure about it working or not for thumb identification, which my thumbs pretty much are unaffected by my health, for the most part.
  3. I've noticed a repeating grammatical mistake (well, I've noticed loads of them but this one over and over): the correct word is "infrastructure." I have no idea why anyone would attempt to spell it "infrastructor."


    Not trying to be a d@ck but proper grammar is exceedingly important, especially in any sort of written communication.

    I realize with my writing, I may be overusing commas when I'm unsure and unaware of whether or not there ought to be one. I apologize to anyone who may be annoyed by my usage of commas as often I use them for that reason. I'd likely be able to use them more appropriately if I was able to work, and I did so in a capacity where typing was an important part of the job.

  4. I don't think that Legere will be a part of NewCo. I think (and this is just my opinion) that this will be Legere's Golden Parachute.

    John Legere will take the money and run. Then he'll focus on trying to keep his popularity in some other way with his Tmo Magenta followers. One thing though, I doubt he'll be wearing all those Tmo items once he's gone.

    • Like 2
  5. Originally, I wanted Dish and T-Mobile to merge, if DT was keeping T-Mobile, while also hoping that if DT was not keeping T-Mobile, that AT&T would get involved in a bidding war with Sprint over T-Mobile. This could still happen, if AT&T is willing to put up a strong enough of an offer, though I'm not thinking that as likely as I once did.


    Dish might still make a counter offer, though if they get involved in any way, I'm hoping it'll end up in a three company merger, with T-Mobile, Sprint, and Dish combining. I have my ideas about what might happen after that, starting with a Comcast merger with Verizon, but I won't go so far beyond that here on the forum.


    My personal experience with ZTE was pretty good. I have a LivePro that had some weird issues which they replaced under warranty rather quickly. It was maybe 5 or 6 days from when I called for warranty support to when I received the device back. The only snafu I ran into at all was the replacement devices meid wasn't in Sprint's database and I had to wait another two days to get it activated. I would definitely try another one of their devices.




    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

    If you had a good experience with ZTE, that is fine. There seem to be alot of hit or miss from what I've read from people, and some really strong diehard fans of them too. The positive thing I'll say about it, is the diehard fans at least most of the ones I've talked with, are pretty reasonable about the downsides of ZTE and were pretty supportive towards me when I explained my issue with ZTE.


    I'll be glad to tell anyone my situation regarding ZTE through pm, if anyone is interested. Since there isn't any relation to Sprint or any other carrier, I won't go into detail here, other than to say it was more serious than anything else I've posted here, but it isn't anything I believe even the slightest should affect another's decision to buy ZTE, at least in terms of what people here care about.

  7. I'm not a supporter of extreme housing restrictions either. I can see the point of equal policy between carriers and housing restrictions, but I'm not much in favor of them, in general. If a person wants to build their house a certain way on their property, I say fine with that, so long as there is proper distance between houses in the build spec. The only real concern in building ought to be in space between other objects, not so much in height and space within, nor appearence.


    Safety standards are important, of course, but even in some areas there is a bit of extremism in these regulations. Such as requiring people to have a certain amount of windows in their home and other restrictive design limitations. A cell tower doesn't have as much variety as housing design does, so I can understand why some people have less restrictive expectations for those than they do for housing, but the difference shouldn't be too different in fairness and favor more freedom for both homeowner, carrier, and tower company.

  8. Oh that is great news!


    I know the Nimby issue has been somewhat contentious in various discussions online, even here on S4GRU. My take on it, is more supportive of carrier rights than those of local municipalities, so long as it isn't being forced upon one's private property against their will. However, if a carrier wishes to lease or buy land, then they ought to be able to put whatever tower they want on it. Same goes with tower companies.


    The only issue I'd have with this otherwise, are in communities where there is an active association, like a condominium or townhouse community, where the board gets to decide where to put the tower and collects money off of it, which they could place the tower completely against the will of a homeowner, possibly lowering their home's property values, while the remaining area stays unaffected.


    Private property in a neighborhood without an association to determine the location and who it affects, is different. In these areas, the only regulation I think may be understandable is the degree away from someone's home, unless they are okay with it being closer. However, the determination of height, look, etc., should be completely up to the carrier or tower company.

  9. https://www.recode.net/platform/amp/2017/6/22/15853732/wireless-drone-execs-president-trump-tech-week-regulations


    Speaking with Recode later Thursday, Marcelo Claure, the chief executive of Sprint, said that he and others in his industry had emphasized to Trump that the government must help them deploy new tools like small cells — essentially, mini cell towers that improve wireless connectivity.


    “It takes one year to get a permit, but it takes one hour to install it,” said Claure, whose company has embarked on a nationwide campaign to deploy such devices. “We heard him say loud and clear we have to fix this.”




    Hope this process gets streamlined.

    I think, and I wish that instead of the government just helping carriers with small cell, they'd make it easier for carriers to deploy macro sites, getting around Nimbys blockage of macro cell towers.

  10. What would give you that idea...



    Seeing that image every day while working at Sprint, would remind me why I'd be glad working there compared with the corporate misery over at AT&T and Verizon's company headquarters, or the immature setting I could imagine over at T-Mobile, if I were working for Sprint.


    I've mentioned this in a past post, and while I'm unsure whether or not Guenther would be interested in such a role, I think he'd make a great CEO, at least in terms of presenting the company with a positive image. Such a difference versus John Legere. And yes, I had to say that.


    Hopefully with the added CapEx spending announced recently, Sprint will work on the deployment and densification many here, including myself, would like to see, and then if Sprint expands retail to match what I saw the other day, all else Sprint could do to be on their way to independent success not even needing to bother with a T-Mobile merger, is to give Guenther some more PR roles.


    He could be to Sprint what Des is to T-Mobile. I think Des is a pretty cool employee at T-Mobile I wouldn't mind as John Legere's replacement either.

    • Like 1
  11. Here is some news about wireless executives meeting with Trump regarding 5g :




    Whenever I see news about this though, I think "There's got to be more than this". I imagine perhaps some discussion about spectrum occurs, but I seriously doubt they are sitting around talking about wireless technology as we do here on S4GRU.


    These reports tell me more about the possible big business dealings ahead in the future. Plus, there have been alot of these reports since Trump took office, and certainly more than I remember hearing about when Obama was president. Nothing to do with politics, though I suspect Trump is being very generous to these businesses, and when it comes to wireless, I'm suspecting there may be some pretty big deals in the works.


    I'll refrain from speculating right now, as even for me who likes to discuss mergers and acquisitions possibilities, even I think its a bit too early to tell, but I certainly have an idea in mind to what I think may happen. If anyone wants to know, pm to me.

    LG V30

    I know it is a bit early, but since there have been some pretty strong rumors already regarding this device, I figured I'd start a thread for it, just as I did for the LG V20.


    I had the LG V20 for a short time last year, and while I anxiously awaited several months for the smartphone, I only had it for a short amount of time after purchasing it when it became available. While I really liked the device for most of its features, one glaring issue I noticed on the few units I tried, was some bad grey uniformity of its LCD screen. Some people didn't notice this issue on theirs, while others did, including me.


    That seems to be changing this year though, with the LG V30 heavily rumored to be featuring an OLED screen. As this will be LG manufacturing the OLED screens, rather than Samsung, its quite likely not to be the Pentile variety. The only reason I prefer LCD to OLED, is in my dislike only for the Pentile variety of OLED that has been present on a majority of OLED smartphone displays.


    Not having Pentile means I finally will be able to say I prefer OLED to LCD. All except for the image retention and burn-in risks I've been reading may soon become a thing of the past, at least in regards to LG's OLED technology. Personally, despite the investment Samsung has made in AMOLED, I believe there is a possibility Samsung may end up switching to QLED for smartphone displays once they become the emissive-style technology, without the LCD panel involved.


    In the meantime, it'll be interesting to pay attention regarding the LG OLED vs Samsung AMOLED feud in smartphones coming up later this year. Oh, and besides the LG V30 showcasing OLED in a single display format, rumors are there will be two OLED displays involved. One for the main screen, and another for the quick launch controls. I'll make another post in this thread with links here soon.

    • Like 1
  12. I like Guenther and think he's probably one of the nicest people I've heard about in wireless. Always seems to be nice, friendly, and polite. However, I really dislike his being sent by Sprint to ZTE. I would never send one of my best, kindest employees to such a toxic, corrupt corporate environment as ZTE is, if I were in charge at Sprint or any other company having to do even the slightest bit of business with ZTE.


    I know alot of people who love the Axon 7 as well as those who hate it. I'm not commenting on the Axon 7, but I understand its supporters of high value, despite the risks of getting a dud unit, as many have, including myself. I won't even go into the personal nightmare story I've had with ZTE here, other to say I'd rather hang out with John Legere at the T-Mobile USA corporate offices than ever have to deal with ZTE in person. My issues with T-Mobile are miniscule compared to my disdain for ZTE.


    Hopefully Guenther got his business with ZTE done fast and quickly moved onto better business for Sprint.

  13. what you are describing is the brand new store model which is rolling out. there is some stores near me slated for it later this year which is pretty cool.


    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    That is good news!


    I had been to the Roosevelt Road store several years ago, back before LTE but during the WiMax days when I was there inquiring about WiMax and knew nothing about S4GRU, only HowardForums. I believe the store may have been down a few storefronts away back then, as I think it use to be a bit larger in size than it is now, but it had the grey/yellow appearance that a former Sprint employee at a T-Mobile store told me a few years ago made a negative impression on some of the customers back when he use to work for Sprint.


    The new look is really a huge improvement. It has less of a showroom appearance and more like an actual store where people actually want to shop at. Plus with its compact size, its easy to navigate and perfect for customers to just stop in and get what they want. Its very smart of Sprint to go this direction away from being like AT&T and Verizon with its massive living room meets showroom-style concepts.


    After all, if customers wanted to shop somewhere with couches all over the place, they could just stay home and order online. Especially since after sitting down getting all comfortable at these stores, they still have to stand up and walk a great distance away just to go take a look at devices, while the employees get to conveniently walk up to you with their tablet as though they're doing you a favor by not having to make another long trek across the store to the registers.


    It is good Sprint isn't doing that.

  14. We are in the queue for IPBoard to upgrade the package we use to a newer release. It will make changes to the mobile site functionality. It will likely happen before the end of the month.


    Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

    Hopefully it will at least keep with the overall look of ipBoard. I cannot overstate one of the biggest positives of S4GRU, besides content, is in its format with using ipBoard. It has been my favorite forum software for years and I'm glad S4GRU keeps using it, unlike some sites I go to that have switched to using the dreaded, facebook-esque Xenforo.


    I've used Xenforo as an admin before from a license I bought back in its heavily discounted preorder days, which I still felt ripped off by, as I hated the software, especially the styling options the Xenforo creators claimed were suppose to be simple. I know ipBoard standalone licensing is more expensive, and the cloud hosting prohibitive on the cheaper plans for any site wanting a decent number of online users at once to be able to view the site all during the same time. Yet, the cost of the more expensive plans are well worth it for a useful site, such as S4GRU.

    • Like 1
  15. My main gripe with Sprint retail stores is that most of them are 3rd party, which makes them useless for almost everything. If you have a billing issue or need a phone issue resolved, their first solution is to sell you a new phone. Their second solution is to send you to a corporate store.


    Sprint should find a way to get an Assurion agent in each store for phone repairs or technical guidance.

    Having a wireless insurance agent in each store is a great idea. I don't even mind the idea of Sprint, or any carrier stores for that matter, deciding against an all-in-one training approach in favor of specialists, so long as it doesn't require having to hire too many employees bringing up the cost of retail.


    The other issue I have with carrier stores, is the huge size of these stores nowadays in terms of wasted space. Verizon and AT&T seem to be the worst in this regard, while Sprint is a bit better. T-Mobile stores I think do the best in terms of maximizing space and make it easy to navigate between areas with device counters.


    Still, while I like the concept of having a store serve multiple purposes, so long as the physical space is compact enough with easy navigation, my visit to the Roosevelt Road Sprint store yesterday made me rethink the possibility for Sprint to make an example for all the wireless carriers not go down this ridiculous "lifestyle center" route AT&T and Verizon have been doing lately with their large stores.


    Everything in the Sprint store I went to yesterday was very compact, yet still had enough walking space to get around. It didn't have the drab grey appearence I've seen in so many Sprint stores I've seen elsewhere around here. Instead, it had a stylish black and yellow design scheme, with a lowered square strip pattern with attached lighting, which was a few feet away/under from the above ceiling. It was very stylish, with a massive register counter. It almost looked like a fancy sports shop kind-of appearence. I really like the store, and I'm pretty sure it was corporate too.

  16. Should I switch to T-Mobile and take advantage of the #GetoutofRedPromo?

    Are you not happy with Verizon, or looking for a better deal? I've read that some areas of the U.S. are offering a 20% off for lifetime discount, similar to the Hookup Code a few months ago, though the two line for $100 monthly deal with included HD streaming isn't available anymore.


    I probably would stay with T-Mobile if the Sprint merger was closer to happening with a likely approval from the FCC. Yet, between that and the 600mhz inclusion, still is two to three years away. Might be better to stay with Verizon in the meantime for network performance reasons.

  17. In other forums I've told Sprint customers if you haven't already switched to an unlimited plan you better do it now while it's still available. I foresee it vanishing not long after the merger.

    I somewhat agree with what you've said here regarding unlimited, especially since some of the wireless CEOs mentioned in the past it going away eventually, regardless of them bringing it on for this period of competitive timeframe.


    My guess is there will be some sort of in-between a per gb plan and unlimited, likely priced at around $60 monthly for 15gb, $90 monthly for 30gb, $120 monthly for 45gb, and so on following a 15gb incremental rate for $30 monthly, with rollover-type options being standard for as long as a customer keeps the service, rather than after a month or a year expiry. Possibly instead of increments, there might be a per gb rate at around $3 to $5 per gb instead of the rollover-type option. Something like one of these ideas.


    Then I expect there will be an optional unlimited slower speedcap after the data limit, rather than deprioritization, most likely either slowed down to 3mbps or 9mbps. Personally, I'm all supportive of a plan that costs $90 monthly for 30gb, with an over the data limit speedcap at 9mbps. I think AT&T may end up doing something like that, with a cheaper option of $60 monthly for 15gb with an over the data limit speedcap at 3mbps, which might replace their current Unlimited Plus and Unlimited Choice plans.


    Either way, I'm hoping for an access fee reduction on devices if carriers do eliminate Unlimited. I think the monthly standard access fee should be the same for all devices, at $5 monthly each.

  18. Any more than "CTIA - The Wireless Association" or "NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association"?


    - Trip

    Aren't those official titles though representing organizations they serve with those purposes? I could see their being a non-direct relating name to a particular purpose in an official organizational capacity, and there certainly are plenty of those. However, I think, and again nothing I have against the S4GRU name itself for what its served over the years, but if T-Mobile were to take over Sprint, there would be a couple of issues with the name remaining on the basis of the merger going that route.


    One obviously would be there isn't anymore Sprint. As far as I know, no one on the staff here have "Sprint" in their name, which is the only understanding factor I have for HowardForums, I name I generally detest for its lack of connection to wireless, all except for its connection to the owner.


    The other being the 4G part, considering the move to 5G. Between those two reasons, it might not help to bring new members here when the merger happens, if Sprint loses its name. I'm thinking of how more members would be inclined to discover this site if it matched the T-Mobile name at that point, or even became something named after a more generalized wireless network-relating name. Just a thought.

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