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Posts posted by Arysyn

  1. The article you linked to doesn't really state this, nor did Claure at the conference the quotes in the article are from. Adding a word to "Sprint hints at future phone leasing program" to get Sprint hints at future for phone leasing program significantly changes the meaning.

    It really isn't that big of a deal, is it? It still is news, and I stuck to being on-topic about Sprint, and my post length was short.


    Besides, its good news to hear for those at least interested in leasing. Ever since John Legere (and yes, I'm crediting him for doing something, which may be viewed as either good or bad, depending on viewpoint), decided to start the process of eliminating contracts, phone costs have generally become more costly. Personally, I never believed in his reasons for doing so, and I believe at the very least, contracts should be an option, or a good leasing program.

    • Like 1
  2. Sprint is considering a new phone leasing program :




    Personally, I really like the idea of phone leasing, and I'm pretty sure Sprint was the first U.S. carrier to offer it. Hopefully this works out well for the. As I've said before of my own idea, I'd like to see a leasing plan based on $5 monthly per $100 msrp, rounded up.

    • Like 1
  3. http://newsroom.sprint.com/blogs/sprint-perspectives/racism-has-no-place-at-sprint.htm


    "That’s why I’m inviting this woman and her husband to meet privately with me so I can better understand what drives comments and behavior like this. I’d like to share my views with her as well."


    "I also invite the customer she attacked, Juan, to meet with me."



    Marcelo has earned much of my respect by doing this. Despite the disagreements I have regarding the network decisions he's made, I've been very impressed by his professionalism, and this just goes further to confirm he is a great leader in this regard.

    • Like 1
  4. Why steal something they are giving out for free?


    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

    Generally, that is a good point. However, it still costs Sprint to have them, and those who might steal them may try selling them to certain Sprint customers unaware they can get them for free from Sprint.


    Fabian Cortez is that you?


    Awesome image!


    I haven't seen him post on TmoNews in a long time. I'm grateful for that since I decided to use my Disqus account a while back to use for posting on there, and I didn't want to get attacked by him on the site as he did towards me on Fierce Wireless once. Thankfully some very kind people came to my defense after that.

    • Like 3
  6. That's a CapEx issue. Maybe Magic Boxes will help some?

    Magic Boxes are fine, but still hoping Sprint goes for the macro sites.


    Regarding the issue of whether Sprint should expand the network for more coverage area versus densifying moderate and major markets, I side with those who want density over overall coverage. It is important for Sprint to get these more populated areas covered with more sites and get band41 up on most of them, along with at least 2xca, if not 3xca.

    • Like 3
  7. Here is something regarding Sprint small cells that is worth reading :




    I still would prefer macro site development in densification, as I've discussed with others here. Deployment of the band 41 spectrum being what I still think ought to be a priority.

  8. Nobody thinks you're vicious, you just can't make a point in a reasonable amount of words, or stay on topic. I like reading some of your ideas, but I have to say I groan when I see your name because I have to wonder if I'm going to spend 10 seconds or 5 minutes reading. Most of the time I scroll past, and I'm sure miss out on good content.

    That is a fair assessment. I've really tried lately to shorten my posts, and I know some still do turn out longer. I'm not using a desktop mode any longer, which was really a problem for me not seeing how long those older posts were appearing in mobile form, so I'm using the mobile version now, and try to limit it to a few paragraphs at most. Although, I'm not sure how they appear on Tapatalk or other specialty web viewers.

  9. He told me it was almost for display purposes. The mall has a site on top of it. So it def wasn't necessary. I would think it would have an official display sometime soon if it was for demo purposes.


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    That is good to know.


    I was hoping there were sites on premises after hearing about it for so long by so many people, especially those using it as a reason to claim why the signal in the store was so strong.


    I think that Sprint store where the picture is from really ought to put the Magic Box in a display case and have it activated on inside of it. There is plenty of retail theft and so far these Magic Boxes seem quite popular. I know if I had Sprint I'd want one.

  10. I saw one at the mall the other day. 34d9dd0cd1e06fedb91eaf41eec330e7.jpgb45884a10119055a578e9c43f73d4a15.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    Hmm... That is odd.


    Perhaps it is a false rumor I've heard many times in the past, but people have told me the physical stores for all carriers, not just Sprint, already have equipment to increase their signal somewhere located on the properties, such as roofs. I suppose if that were true, there wouldn't be a need for these Magic Boxes inside the stores, unless these are being used to replace that other equipment.

  11. Seriously.


    Not to mention, the use of his "condition" as an excuse to rant on this site. It is quite annoying.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm not trying to restart this debate, especially as everyone who can fairly view the post history of this thread can tell that after the initial discussion of my health/medications, etc., can tell I made several attempts to get back on topic about Sprint by posting about their open source initiatives, and then later about Sprint's lawsuit against the FCC, for which utiz and JW responded to, and I replied back, all on topic, all respectfully and completely within the rules of this site.


    To quickly reiterate, I never mentioned my health as a rant, as an excuse, or anything I'm being accused of for mentioning it. As I've said before in answering this issue, I only brought up my health during the discussion over the smoking issue as it related to the John Legere drunk comments made about Marcelo, and the validity of the possibility and whether that was worse than smoking as it relates to athletics. While the issue was loosely on-topic, it still was, considering it had to do with these figures in wireless.


    FYI, and hopefully this will be the end of it, what I'm on does not interfere in my posting, and I'm just one in millions of pain patients perfectly cable of being on a forum. I'm also sorry to hear you weren't treated for pain exactly as you may have wanted, JohnathanM, but what matters now is that you are doing well with whatever it is, and if you've managed without it, that is great. I don't wish any ill will on anyone here, and I am not the vicious poster it seems some try to make me sound as.


    Anyways, hopefully that clears things up. I'm only writing this to address what I've read in response to my previous post. Again, not bringing these topics up for re-discussion. Regarding Sprint, hopefully their lawsuit doesn't cause any issue for the potential merger, but this is an administration that has made some odd comments and really I wouldn't doubt there not being some hostility in the minds of the FCC for this. Although, hopefully I'm wrong about that.

  12. They're suing because they've been investing heavily in growing their MPLS business and in getting their SD-WAN services launched, both of which depend heavily on competitive services offered through the regulations that were just rolled back. It's a major loss for them.

    Hi JW,


    I definitely am not against Sprint's right to sue. I think they have a good reason to do so from what I've read. I'm just concerned that the individuals at the FCC will loophole into finding flaw against Sprint in their pursuit to merge with T-Mobile, regardless of the laws involved utiz mentioned. Human nature to get revenge is higher than the law, and even morality/ethics in so many cases nowadays.

  13. No, that is not the issue. Staff can take action for the good of S4GRU -- even if site rules have not been broken. And when multiple members are complaining about the volume -- both in number and in length -- of another member's posts, then staff may have to act.


    Post/Comment Moderation. S4GRU Administrators, Moderators and staff reserve the right to edit, remove or put on moderation queue any post, comment or profile of any member at any time.



    So what you are saying is that if some people complain that someone posts too much, they can be moderated? That puts an unfair mob advantage, AJ. I'm not even arguing/debating staff rights, as I understand that, but its very easy for a group of people to simply decide they don't like someone's posts, even if that person has done nothing against the rules, but simply target them for their dislike. Again, mob mentality.

  14. That was the nice answer, using humor to deflect from the situation.  Would you prefer the answer be that staff impose strict moderation on you again?  Because that is a distinct possibility.




    He wanted to know about daily post limits and that was an interesting question, despite my thinking it won't work. That is what I meant by my quoting you. There are others who would have responded much worse to you, AJ. Such as the lady from the other site.


    If I'm going to be moderated for backing up his question with my own interest in the possibility of post limits, I really don't see how that breaks the rules here.

  15. I do remember all of that. I do also remember Dan saying that he wanted to throw their 2.5 on every single tower that Sprint had. How that would have looked idk. I would guess in rural areas that would be great and would have gave the big two a run for their money.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    2.5 on every tower would have been and still would be a great start. Then get all of those towers on at least 2xca, with 3xca on towers that really need it. Afterwards, spend upgrading where necessary with densification as the network ratings improve and more customers are gained. Eventually, Sprint could get all towers up to 3xca, have a density to where at least PCS is usable, due to the majority band41 network usability. Then when things are looking great with the network, start to figure out the financials then.

  16. Softbank bought the low hanging fruit at the time. I do believe that they should've just went and bought T-Mobile instead from jump since they are what they really want. I would be nice if SB could seed money into Sprint but their hands are tied based on what I've read over the time SB has 80% of Sprint. If they did just completely buy Sprint then yes we would see a different Sprint today.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I've read the same opinion from a lot of people online regarding Softbank buying T-Mobile first, and perhaps that would have been best. I think that follows up with the question I made a thread about recently regarding Dish buying Sprint. Dish of course was after Sprint, losing it to Softbank, which afterwards led to rumors of Dish going after T-Mobile. What is going to happen with that now, who knows. However, I'm of the opinion Sprint would have been better of with Dish, or even without Dish, had Dish decided to cancel their attempts at Sprint.


    I know others have differing views, and everyone is entitled to them, of course. Mine is still hoping Sprint had stayed managed by Dan Hesse, who would have continued with the deployment and densification strategy. Surely, Sprint would have ended up with a worse money problem from that, but eventually as reviews started showing the huge improvements made, this would have been the ultimate test for Sprint in whether an awesome network experience would bring customers in with their money flowing through Sprint, or if Sprint would still need a rebrand to convince them.


    I believe that in the end that way, Sprint would have won this thing.

  17. No one can compete with sprint once their b41 is dense enough. No other carrier has these many resources once implemented.

    You're absolutely correct about that. Sprint really is in an excellent position where they really do not need to merge with any other carrier, if only their majority owner, Softbank, would spend on Sprint. Others here, including myself, haven't been happy with Sprint spending on Pokemon and Tidal, which the finances spent on both would have been better spent on network improvements.


    Softbank is the bigger problem though, in my opinion, compared with anything I may disagree with about Sprint management itself though. Softbank has spent billions of dollars acquiring other companies, yet they are leaving Sprint with a CapEx much less than Sprint's competitors. It, along with the merger rumors, are holding back Sprint from spending big on itself, which if only Sprint could do, then yes, it would be a major force in wireless. Their band41 spectrum is amazing, and when I had Sprint in areas where it was well deployed, the speeds surpassed the other carriers, particularly during rush hour.

  18. Deploying small cells is expanding coverage when the macro's cannot even service customers during congestion. That is what I meant, but more importantly, Sprint seems to be closing the gap on verizon very successfully as of recent.


    As good Sprint's band41 is, the spectrum simply isn't deployed enough. Many people here have been very adamant in the need for Sprint to deploy the spectrum in order to really catch up with the other carriers, and even then, its also important for Sprint to densify, which they may do if Sprint doesn't get their merger wish with T-Mobile.

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  19. A recent article about Sprint's open source strategy. I'm not too familiar into the open source stuff, although I've talked with people who pretty much devote their life to this, so perhaps this will be an interest to some here regarding Sprint and open source :



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