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Everything posted by Hmight

  1. Because it's slow news day. But this is why I am very optimistic with Sprint, with or without the merger. They have all the tools at their disposal (spectrum, increase cash flow, favorable regulatory environment for network build out), they just need to execute. “Sprint management also expects to out-execute T-Mobile over the next two years, making a deal more attractive for them over time, but not in 2017.” I do not believe the merger will happen between Sprint and Tmo. The feature is with a wireline and wireless. The synergy is tremendous when these organizations combine. T and VZ is already moving in that directions. T is much more aggressive.
  2. Why can't they just release the software to those devices that are capable? It makes me think Sprint is not ready to have 3xCA for customers. I mean this has been raved about for almost a year.
  3. I also donated may be a little bit over a week ago, but have not seen a change in my status.
  4. I was curious about it too when I heard it. Does this mean there will be a software update soon? Hope they will this roll out the same time as 3xCA.
  5. Lol. you just proved why Charmin uses the "damn" bears in its ads. You know it's toilet paper and it's the damn Charmin bears.
  6. Depends on what you think the future holds for Sprint. I am an optimist and I think this is just the beginning of the ride. I won't consider selling at least until after Trump is in office.
  7. I hope not, and Masa has said after the announcement that the money is to invest in U.S start ups. It's always been his bread and butter. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-12-06/japan-s-softbank-to-invest-50-billion-in-the-u-s-trump-says
  8. Just like that..50 billion and 50k jobs tweet from Trump, the stock is now at $8.4. This is just the beginning of the ride. Still wish for another pull back down to $7 for me to buy more.
  9. Yep The 10 million shares will only be earned "upon the achievement of specified volume-weighted average prices" of Sprint's common stock during regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange over any 150-calendar day period during a four-year period from June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2019. In order to earn 100 percent of the 10 million shares, the volume-weighted average price must be at least $8 during that period. If the volume-weighted average stock price during the period goes above $8, Claure could earn more stock, but no more than 120 percent of the original award. Source - http://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/sprint-extends-claure-s-contract-until-2019-will-give-him-10m-shares-if-he-gets-stock-to-8
  10. We have different philosophy, but here's my 2 cents. Sprint has gotten off the bonds market to finance. Softbank has essentially been financed (or guaranteed) Sprint's debt with various entities (leasing and spectrum Co.). As long as the company is growing, I am not concerned about the 30B+ in debt with a Sprint's strong balance sheets. Raising interest rates will have little impact on Sprint in December.
  11. I'm riding this. There will not be any news of merger until at least 1st quarter of next year. Sprint is going to add phone subs again this quarter. They are going to pay off 2B of debt on 12.1.2016. Nothing negative for me to sell.
  12. I have not sold off any shares, but wish the stock takes a 10% dip so i can buy more before the next earnings call. 7.89 price at the moment.
  13. There's definitely speculation baked in, but the company's recent performance has not been accounted in the stock since the last earnings release. It was already at 7 dollars before Trump was elected. Anything between 7 and 8 is reasonable at this point. Anything more than 8, there's room for a sell off until the next earnings announcement. Trump has already said T and TW will yield too much power. We will see if his administration will follow through.
  14. I like the stock long term. The company is still bleeding cash, but they are gaining valuable customers. I do not see this trend is reversing as long as Marcelo is at the helm. They have beefed up their balance sheets and have pulled a few financial engineering moves (thanks to Softbank) to get to where they are today. I am seeing 3rd carrier roll out in markets they have not even announced. This will improve the speed on the network, and capacity with their densification plan. They are in the same position of Tmo was a year and half ago. I expect growth will continue this quarter (around 450k postpaid phones and potentially more tablet adds with the new unlimited plan). I expect FCF will be a reality in FY 2017. A merger or not, Sprint is in a good spot. It is still cheap to buy and I will buy more when it is taking a 10%+ dip.
  15. The trading is definitely pricing into a merger. It has nowhere to go but up. Any news of a merger or the company is gaining more subscriber this quarter we will see another pop.
  16. Republican tend to be more free deal willing. Sprint stock is doing well this morning because of this "potential" merger.
  17. and noone on Sprint uses Okhla speedtests, which comes to show the data is selective and biased. The random data is not controlled data, there are a million plausible reasons to say the data is not accurate.
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