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Posts posted by Houston_Texas

  1. Not quite that easy. I'd have to give up the freebie microsd card from LG and the $100 gift card from best buy. Plus note is more expensive. Tough choice. 9 more days to decide.


    Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

    Ohhh I see. What type of SD card did they give you?


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  2. See, 4 days in and I'm only like averaging about 11 hours with light use. Right now I'm at 26% after 7:41 of use time. I've got about. T hours left. I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and seeing if anything improves. If it doesn't I may take this back and get a Note 4.


    Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

    Get the Note 4


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  3. He turns the water into Magenta-colored wine, and when the person he gives the wine to doesn't finish the wine, he kindly stashes it away until they desire it again, which is when he gives it back to them along with more wine and gracefully charges them for it.

    Even your jokes are unnecessarily long.


    I kid :)


    Sent from my SM-N910T

    • Like 5
  4. Let's just clarify WiFi Calling in the U.S. market place.


    T-Mobile's WiFi Calling is the Next Generation VoWiFi defined in Release 12 with IP address preservation between Cellular (VoLTE) and WiFi bearers, providing an opportunity for operators to seamlessly extend their voice applications between two different environments, while fully leveraging AMR-WB or HD Voice. It requires modifying the edge of the IMS core by adding ePDG.


    Since Verizon has nationwide VoLTE I'm guessing that's what they're in the process of doing as well, but there hasn't been solid confirmation so far.


    Sprint's WiFi calling is an older implementation without call continuity and other IMS features.

    Great information on VoLTE. You along with @maxsilver shed new light on the subject. Much appreciated.


    My roommate complained loudly, so VZW switched out his Nexus 6 for a Note 4 (A poor deal for him, IMO, but it was his choice since he was in the first week of his contract). The Droid Turbo is one of the best phones on the market, covered in negative reviews because of its lack of svlte. So they're out there complaining. Does Verizon care? No, it's not going to change and people will adjust.

    ''Covered in negative reviews because of its lack of svlte''


    So people DO complain about the lack of simultaneous voice and data.... Interesting.

  6. When it wains....meaning when the number of customers starts doing the same thing that verizon's sheer number of customers is doing to it's network...causing to to be total crap in many areas. And it's inevitable.


    Nobody was talking about rain, as in water falling from the sky..

    He spelled it wrong, as he meant "wanes"...but it's an intransitive verb...


    Full Definition of WANE

    intransitive verb


    : to decrease in size, extent, or degree : dwindle: as

    a : to diminish in phase or intensity —used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets

    b : to become less brilliant or powerful : dim

    c : to flow out : ebb


    : to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence

    Lou99 used rain in the right context in relation to Deval's post.


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  7. From my experience, speeds are faster the majority of the time with T-Mobile, but my friends on T-Mobile will lose data or switch to 2g more often when indoors (at restaurants, houses, apartments, etc). None of my friends with T-Mobile have a phone with band 12 though, so if Band 12 can fill in those holes then coverage wouldn't be an issue.


    One thing in Texas - driving to Dallas, Austin, or San Antonio, basically a triangle in Texas, and people make this drive quite a bit, Sprint has LTE covered the entire way, while T-Mobile isn't quite there.

    Last time I made the trip to Dallas 9/2014 or Austin 6/2014... Neither journey had complete LTE coverage. Note 3.


    Barometer: Pandora


    Result: switching to radio since data connection couldn't be established




    Sent from my SM-N910T

  8. Maybe Houston? Coverage isn't bad considering they use AWS for LTE. I've been meaning to find a way to test out their new 700 MHz LTE but they are barely releasing phones that support that band.

    Data definitely is better than Sprint here. Voice about the same


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  9. Integrating Google voice and using hangouts for your calls will get you the simultaneous voice and data you are after on any device. Just be prepared for a few more dropped calls.

    I know. Rather not go that route.




    Sent from my SM-N910T

  10. The issue is not with the device. Plenty of current handset variants on VZW, AT&T, and T-Mobile support VoLTE. The original FCC OET filings or Class II Permissive Change filings indicate so.


    Sprint just has not made VoLTE a priority -- probably because VoLTE coverage is poor in comparison to CDMA1X coverage. And until Sprint makes VoLTE a priority, the device will be irrelevant. VoLTE support is a network issue. So, do not get hung up on whether X device will be VoLTE capable.



    I'm fully aware of device capabilities. I have a T-Mobile Note 4 with VoLTE performing very well.


    I asked about any new info on Sprint VoLTE and Note 5 (or any future phones). Girlfriend has a Note 2.


    My brief Google search, showed nothing of substance.


    Edit: GalaxyGuy adequately answered my question.


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  11. It probably depends if Sprint is ready for it by then. Sprint has not been very vocal about their plans. If and when it does become available, I hope it's something in the settings that can be toggled on or off. 1x800 is just so good that I'm sure in some places it would be better (in terms of coverage area) than VoLTE.


    Sent from my Note 4.

    Yea did a quick Google search... nothing.


    Native simultaneous v&d is a must have for work.


    Thanks for the reply.


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  12. The horse has been beaten long ago but it won't be until VoLTE comes along. You can also use the various other services to make calls over data, such as Facebook messenger and hangouts. That's the only way around it right now. Trust me, the vastly improved data experience over single band phones will be worth it.


    Sent from my Note 4.

    Any word on VoLTE for the Note 5?


    Sent from my SM-N910T

  13. And you are a banned member who returned without permission under disguise who we should be accepting?



    As a mod, you should set the example. Unfortunately, some of your posts don't meet that standard.


    I browse this site for information and objectivity. Not 'bash T-Mobile because I'm team Sprint' childishness.


    Truth is, there is room for both carriers and competition is great for consumers.



    Sent from my SM-N910T

    • Like 6
  14. They would be number 4 by a small number, which could potentially be solved relatively easily with the existing promotions and better advertising.

    Not sure it's that easy.


    I don't think that stops the exodus by current Sprint customers. No amount of advertising will fix the bitching and complaining by said customers.


    I think it all comes down to the network. Met up with a buddy of mine at a coffee shop in Houston. Data (3G) was going in and out the whole time on his Note 4. Mine on the other hand was as stable as can be.... Three speedtests avg 45mbs down.


    I'm pulling for Sprint, because I believe competition is always great for the consumer. I might even go back to Sprint because they have better Google Voice integration... Who knows.


    Sent from my SM-N910T

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