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Posts posted by Calvin200

  1. Silenze they look like they could be Sprint antennas, but I am an amateur and can't be sure. They could be on somebody elses tower? I tried to cut and paste a pic from Google maps, but it didn't work. Did you ask if they are doing work for Sprint? Can you cut and paste a picture from Google Maps? You can get a pretty good shot of the tower from street view. Narrow in on that address then do a street view from the highway. When zooming in on it don't do it from really close because it will mess up things that are up high.

  2. i think this article is fantastic from a brand stand point for Sprint. This type of press helps with that and its good to see something positive in Sprint's favor. Service in Milwaukee is very solid, Sprint I think shares the title with US Cellular, since the article said it only tested 4 major carriers, this would be accurate for the area. Hope we see more and more good press like this as network vision starts to sweep the country.

    We aren't close to US Cellular in any aspect in Milwaukee, voice or data, and US Cellular wasn't rated. The "usual" 4 were rated. Your silver lining is made out of aluminum foil.
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