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Everything posted by KnarfOH

  1. YADA YADA YADA !! BLAH BLAH BLAH !! I can't hear you! Just like Jack Nicholson said in the movie "I can't stand the truth" Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. 1.2 million Clearwire customers. I pay $55 month for unlimited. I am in an area where I have no alternative for high speed internet. Downloads are less then 6 mb and most times closer to 4 mb. If there was an alternative, it most likely would be faster than Clearwire and people would switch. I suspect the 1.2 million that stay with Clearwire is because they are the only choice or reasonable choice in their area. I know there are cheaper plans so let's say the average Clearwire customer pays $45 a month. That is $648,000,000 a year. Sprint will throw us under the bus? And loose that money? Doesn't make sense to me! These are customers they already have that they could easily transition with new equipment. Is that amount of money small peanuts? What am I missing? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Sorry, I poorly wrote that sentence. Read it again, please. What I meant was the treeline ends 600 feet from my house. When I was talking to Sprint and was asking them about signal and strength and what I could expect, the technical person on the phone mentioned that trees (and leaves) interfere with the signal. He asked if there were any trees near me. I said there was. He said if my house is adjacent to a line of trees, that could be a problem. I said to him - NO, the trees I am speaking about do not abut my property. I said the treeline is about 600 feet away. Oh, he said, that shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, it is the treeline that ends 600 feet from my property, it is not the tower that ends 600 feet from my property. Appreciate your earlier response to my inquiry. Thanks!
  4. I just purchased a Zing Hotspot after learning the tower closest to my home has been upgraded for LTE service. I also purchased the Netgear cradle to improve my reception, etc. Since I am a little over 1 mile away from the tower - what do you think my odds are that I will get decent service? There is a tree line between me and the tower that ends about 600 feet from my house. This is a semi-rural area with a mild inclination upward from the tower location to my home. In the photograph, my home is in the approximate area of the marker at the bottom of the page.
  5. I am the originator of this thread. I have found most of the comments interesting. I certainly understand Sprint's need to preserve bandwidth for their phone customers. I am curious. What is the typical monthly use by a "power user" using a Sprint phone? I know what I use for my home, but not sure what people actually use on their phones. I have never had a smartphone, just a dumb Tracfone. LOL. If they offered home internet based on Clear's offerings, like capped at 6 Mbps with a 50-100 GB limit, that would be better than nothing, IMO. I would settle in for that.
  6. Yes the service is actually available, but they liked coming out 6 or 7 times to tell me it isn't while spending half a morning trying to get it to work. The techies have been great. The marketing people are pushing something that isn't in our area is the real problem. Could they fix it? Probably! Have they? Not in the 13 years I have lived here! This is exactly the same response I have gotten. The techies are pissed because they keep marketing the product in my area when they have been out a zillion times only to end up with disappointed customers. Of course the customers get mad at the person standing in front of them. I don't get mad at the techies - I just keep the hardware as payment for them wasting my time!
  7. I could write a book about my experiences with AT&T and their DSL services. They actually got mad at me for calling and signing up for DSL because every time I did, that meant they had to send me a modem and have a service rep. available to do the install at my home and at their box on the street. And every time it ended up I was too far away from the central office. I think I signed up 6 or 7 times. I know some of my neighbors kept signing up too because we kept getting their promotional material saying it was available in our area. LOL.. I still have 3 of their modems that I never returned because I was so pissed they would tell me on the phone it now available even though I pointed out "WELL IN THE PAST YOU WERE OUT HERE AND IT WASN'T!" NO NO, they claimed I could get it now. They wasted their time and mine. Every time I saw a technician working at the phone box, I would walk over and ask him what he was doing and 2/3 of the time he was trying too hook someone up with DSL. LOL. Sometimes it would be the same guy that was out here last week trying to do the same thing. And they knew from their previous visit it wasn't available. Anyway, like I said I kept 3 of their modems. They paid postage to return them, but after I insisted we had no DSL service here (and they insisted we did) I decided I wouldn't waste my time returning their modems anymore unless they billed me for them. GUESS WHAT? They never billed me or contacted me again about returning their modems.
  8. The name change for the topic doesn't bother me, but are you saying that Sprint has been open with WIMAX home internet users? Or are you saying they have been open to WIMAX phone users? Big difference since I am the former and not the later. Except to see news reports that they plan to have WIMAX shut-down by end of 2015, I have not seen anything from the company about their plans for home internet users. Clearly people are posting here what they believe will be happening, but where did you get your information? Can you link me to this information (from Sprint) where they discuss what they are doing for the home internet users once WIMAX is eliminated? I am only asking to see information from Sprint about this subject. They certainly know how to send monthly bill reminders and occasional promotional material, but I have never received anything from them telling me directly (as a current WIMAX home internet customer) what their plans are. That is why I suggested in the original title of this topic that I wasn't being kept informed. Lastly, thanks for the reply - not just yours but the others!
  9. There is AT&T DSL all around us, but not on this street or another small sub-division (on a different street) within 1/8 mile away. However, all the adjacent streets in this area have something available - just not us! It is like we are in a no man's land. I have lived here 13 years and from the day I moved in, AT&T was promising it was headed our way, instead no progress over all of those years. The cable company that serves this area was the old INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS which Time-Warner purchased. Everything out here is the old analog type cable, i.e. not capable of handling internet or even the large catalog of TV channels you now see being offered on other systems. I was hoping that Time-Warner would at least upgrade the old INSIGHT system since they purchased them, but who knows if and when that will happen. SPECIAL NOTE: Everything you mentioned (TWC/WOW/AT&T) is right around the block from us. We are completely surrounded by these services. I feel like a guy dying of thirst, but I can see the water!
  10. I am presently customer of the old Clearwire for home internet service. By twist of fate, there are no other high-speed internet providers in my area - NOTHING! - unless you consider satellite services. Clearwire was reluctant to give me a CLEAR EXPRESS HUB and sign me up originally because my home is literally shown to be in a marginal area of service. My lot was shown to be covered but not the adjacent lots (not sure how that happens?). Anyway, they gave me the modem and I experience around 6 Mbps downloads and 1 Mbps uploads (with an outside antenna). For someone coming off dial-up and satellite (Wildblue) these speeds were terrific! I am happy! I understand my service is not as good as many others, but for this area it is fabulous! With the recent announcements that Clearwire's Wimax service will be phased out by the end of 2015 - I am on pins and needles waiting for the other shoe to drop. I live in Canal Winchester (suburb of Columbus, OH) and would be devastated If I lost my Clearwire service and we are not part of some Sprint LTE upgrade that will allow us to obtain high-speed internet when Clearwire goes away Why isn't Sprint more open about their future plans to provide service to areas they acquired from Clearwire, including types of services and time frames other then generalities that I sometimes see published. The tower I ping off of is located in Columbus (moderate density housing) and I have to believe that Columbus (15th largest city in the USA) would be near the top. The tower is 3 to 4 miles away.
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