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Posts posted by red_dog007

  1. So I have been in Washington and I haven't seen any B26.  I thought that it was just a 100mile exclusion zone with Canada, and could get a little closer if just using 1x800.


    I've been 5 minutes from the Oregon border and no B26.  I went into a local town in Oregon for gas, (bit cheaper) and the Oregon tower has B26 on it. 


    Run into a little bit of 1x800 closer to the border, but in places like Yakima and Wenatchee never ran into 1x800.  Even Wenatchee is just outside the 100 mile range.

  2. Yeah, the B41 antennas are small, and so the Dual Band 25/26 antennas cause they aren't much bigger.  You look at any other antenna the other carriers use that support low-band, they look to be easily 2ft taller. 

  3. Any idea why there wouldn't be any B26?  Its well far enough away from the IBEZ.  There is 1x800, but I haven't connected to it much, almost flat here. Even hold onto B41 for a rediculous distance and I still hang onto it even near the -130dBm range. Downtown could really use the B26. Go inside a store and it drops to 3G.

  4. AT&T deployments gotta be wacky with their spectrum holdings. 


    Looks like some nice great though! Looks to give them some great flexibility.  The antenna looks similar to some of what they are currently using, other than many the addition of WCS and maybe 4T4R?



    How come Sprint doesn't use an antenna like this.  I mean, they use a dual band antenna as well, but antennas that support low band frequencies are much longer than Sprint's.  Sprints PCS/SMR antenna looks to be only inches bigger than the 2.5GHz antenna.  Wouldn't the size have a negative impact on propagation?

  5. There are two articles on FW right now about ATT doing wireless broadband testing as well as another small provider in VA.


    I don't really get why they have to test. No like there isn't a huge WISP community that uses all kinds of spectrum to deliver WiFi, WiMax, and LTE wireless broadband. Shoot, TMo bought a wireless broadband provider in MI that used 700A over LTE.


    If you gonna do it, freaking do it dangit!

  6. Well shoot.  AT&T is making it really hard to spot that new equipment!  Antenna just has subtle changes and that RRU too would be hard to identify in a drive by.


    Cool antenna, wide flexibility.


    So no live B30 access out in the wide discovered yet?

  7. I do BYOP because I like Nexus devices. 


    For my wife we did lease.  It makes sense.  It is the same thing as easy pay, just cheaper monthly payments really.  After 2 years I just keep paying until paid off, or trade in.

    But, she keeps phones for a while.  She has an S6, and after two years that phone will not be worth $200.  Just look at the S5.  I can pick one up for $200 easy and it is only 1.5yrs old. 


    Lease is best cause she does like to upgrade, and this way we don't have to pay full price for the phone or have to deal with selling it.

  8. Anyone wanna do this if it hasn't been done yet.  If it has been done, please provide link!


    I want a Sprint map that shows "Sprint Spark" coverage that includes the LTE Roaming.  But then I would like to have this map show the 3G roaming as well. 


    So have the Spark LTE map in the foreground, and then just put the 3G and More map in the background so we can see the 3G roaming only where LTE and LTE roaming do not exist.

  9. Eastern NC could be either one (they own licenses for both) but they only own CLR/B5 in TN so you should be good with a B5 phone there.


    Im a dummy, I could have looked that up.  In West North Carolina USCC does have 700 A+B in Cherokee/Ashiville area, but even further west (which Im more interested in) they only have 700B.  So my Nexus 5 is golden there for the most part.  Phew

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  10. It most def has Band 41 up and running, at least by the safeway, was up there last week helping my sister and the fastest I saw was 74.09 Down 14.66 Up, I don't know if CA is running or not as my phone doesnt support it =\

    Sweet :-D


    I'll find out here in two weeks if CA is running or not for us.


    My dad lives out there and really interested to see how Sprint does at their house now.  The have Pocketinet 3Mbps for $70/mo.  Makes me wonder if the Your Karma at $50/mo will be a better option for them if they can get 5Mbps consistanly.  A new link I can give them for potential new internet service.

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