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Posts posted by centermedic

  1. I second this. Data is pretty poor near the RBC Center PNC Arena. I'm right next to it every day, so I was hoping the new LTE sites near Duraleigh or Jones Franklin would reach, but unfortunately they didn't. Hopefully more will be turned on soon.

    Keep watching the tower by Rex hospital. A couple of times in the last week there has been no data service on the tower. Hopefully thats indicative of them upgrading the tower.
    • Like 1
  2. Alright, I have run into a few issues running apps. My biggest gripe is when on Facebook's mobile app. When connected to WiFi it will not load pictures or load others comments. When I turn WiFi off it works just fine. Tried it with many other networks to the same conclusion, but more commonly at home. Anyone else have this problem where Facebook and other apps won't load internet based feeds?




    My proximity sensor still likes to act buggy every so often, but not as much as it did.

    The Facebook app sucks.
  3. Still have an upgrade sitting on my account and the wife likes how this one looks. As for a built in battery, unless you are a power user I dont see the big deal. Micro SD is not a big deal if you have enough memory to begin with. 32gb should be way more than my wife (or me) would ever need.

  4. I

    Which model did you get? I just got the Samsung $249 one, pretty nice.

    The main problems I have with it, is the poor angle of viewing and the power charger port, that thing is begging to be snapped.


    Get your 100GB drive space. http://www.google.co...es/goodies.html


    Install the DoNotTrackMe chrome extension. .

    I picked up the $200 Acer mostly because I needed the 320 gb hd. Picked it up mostly for school. Loving it so far. Thanks for reminding me about that extension.
  5. I'm thinking that if anything is to happen it will happen towards the end of 2013, beginning of 2014. Merger to close towards the end of 2014, beginning of 2015. By that time, I'm thinking that VOLTE should be pretty mature.

    Until that time I think any merger talk between Sprint and T-Mobile is foolhardy.
  6. It will increase their subscribers to 86M, at least in the neighborhood of the big 2. No it will not give them lower frequency spectrum, but it will give them plenty of AWS and PCS spectrum.


    I never liked the Sprint Nextel merger. I thought they should have merged with Alltel, USCC and some of the other regionals to give them great coverage, if only for bragging rights. I also wanted them to pick up some PCS spectrum from Nextwave and other PCS spectrum sales. I wanted them to participate in the 700Mhz auction. But it is what it is and I think that T-Mobile and Sprint should combine to compete with the big two.

    The only way it makes sense is if VOLTE is ready for prime time and deployed. I agree that Alltell or USCC would have been much better mergers.
  7. That needs to be established in advance. Any move to a small/large system would "cannibalize sales" and alienate customers.


    Samsung and, potentially, Apple could survive that shift. HTC could not.



    I agree that HTC should make their plans known. But I also think it would be foolish to not have another major release this year and when THAT happens it makes sense not to compete with yourself. Another to[p of the line 4.7-5 inch phone is competing with yourself.
  8. Not entirely.... Sammy has the Note as well so I'm thinking HTC will at least have the S800 in device this year, given Qualcomms Raj comments of it being in consumer devices by mid year... Can't expect HTC to sit that puppy out.....


    At very least they either have a refresh/EVO/ or phablet device out then with that puppy in it...


    Only apple sticks to 1 device. Sammy still releases a handful per year, mini, note, sgs, ...


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

    Now that is an interesting idea. Refreshing the current EVO.
  9. That would be a disaster. As if both HTC and Sprint have not yet read the writing on the wall, a one year refresh period has become the standard. Like it or not, Apple has dictated that cycle, and Samsung has capitulated. That is just the way it is. If HTC and/or Sprint dare to expedite the process, watch out for the death of HTC and/or Sprint.



    Unless it was something that did not cannibalize sales. Maybe phablet? Or maybe a 4 inch screen with the same processor and memory specs?
  10. No company gets free passes here. Bashed Samsung plenty of times for the Epic.. Even in my first post.


    Duly noted that I need to be careful with the HTC folks like I have to do with the Apple users.


    Sent from my little Note2

    You clearly have issues with HTC over your perceived problems with the EVOLTE. That's your right. I don't have anywhere near the issues that you and other people have reported. User experience will vary and I don't think its right to bash any company. If you don't like them them move along. Nothing to see here.
    • Like 1
  11. No agreement here as I give it straight up about any subject. Just the way I am, straight to the point. I don't have any loyalty with any company. The post serves a perfect purpose. Be very careful if your purchase this phone and test the hell out of it in the first 14 days in just about every area you can think of.


    Sent from my little Note2

    That would be sound advice for any phone, regardless of ones personal experience.
    • Like 1
  12. For some reason I'm not fully convinced that the Evo brand is dead tho. Perhaps Sprint will look to get another high end HTC device this summer with the Snapdragon 800 SoC and LTE 800? This definitely seems like its against what HTC wants to do but Sprint is known for having some of the best if not THE best HTC devices out there and seem to have a very special partnership with HTC ever since the HTC Mogul days. Maybe Sprint can sweet talk them into a single device as an exclusive?

    I only see this happening if the One sales are less than stellar(which may indicate some other issues). Otherwise, having another top tier HTC device will just cannibalize sales from the other.
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