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Status Updates posted by karmic_shift

  1. I want this #FinalFantasy box set. This needs to make it to the west. http://t.co/LXa2dRlX

  2. I've noticed this before but this video is cool. #Kubrick One Point Perspective. #Cinematography http://t.co/HAwPZPDi

  3. How exactly does one sing #Bangarang at #Karaoke? It is in the book but I don't know how you would karaoke a song like that. #fb

  4. Where did all these lesbians come from? (@ Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar) http://t.co/4yAfSXwl

  5. Happy National Toasted Marshmallows day to everyone. #Random #fb


    #Zombie Walk 2012 (@ The Highlands w/ 2 others) http://t.co/wuPfYKNU


  7. Got this amazing shot while on vacation in #NYC #30Rock #Skyscraper http://t.co/0DC2Kulu


    #PSA to all of you idiots on the internet neither Bill #Cosby, or #Nye have died. #fb


  9. .@FAFSA really needs to update their website. I cannot use #Chrome #Firefox or #InternetExplorer because I have too new of a version. #fail

  10. The best part of the season was when #Tara tongue fucked #Pam #TrueBlood @BauervanStraten #fb


    #Summer at the Pool (@ Lakeview Eastside Poolside) [pic]: http://t.co/S6D9404R


  12. At the concert...these guys sound good live. http://t.co/s5BoUQgS #GetGlueHD #YoungTheGiant

  13. Connected App for @Foursquare Tells you if there is anything at the end of a movie when you check in #AfterCredits #fb http://t.co/KG7f9F44

  14. Putting on the #Jorts and heading to the @KYStateFair - It's almost time to play white trash bingo #fb

  15. Here is what 4th Street Live used to look like. I miss the Galleria even more now. #Louisville #KY http://t.co/TIN9KWTk

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