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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by karmic_shift

  1. Simultaneous Voice + Data on your #Sprint or #Verizon #iPhone5 - Hell no says Apple. http://t.co/Zh0VHxzF

  2. Holy Shitballs this is awesome. Handmade Original 151 #Pokemon #fb http://t.co/jcyXNdxj

  3. My "Nap" turned into an 8 hour affair and now I cant sleep after waking up at 4am. I need rest so I can kill my liver tonight.

  4. Seriously #OJ? Why on earth would you announce that you are to blame for a #Kardashian

  5. Random ass #Pink #Flamingo in the middle of a Wooden Table. http://t.co/NiybHS40

  6. I just ousted Bridget W. as the mayor of Chase Bank on @foursquare! http://t.co/XVuaTnbh


    #daFuck? Can someone please explain this to me - #PSY - #GangnamStyle? #fb http://t.co/q5DbmmQc


  8. I don't care that you drive a #Volvo and are cute...you have a #Romney bumper sticker on your car and I will cut you off. #fact #fb

  9. .@ChrisWarcraft is my new hero. Read this to find out why. http://t.co/jFmerASw @Deadspin #fb

  10. I have heard @madysondesigns say all of these things. Shit #Apple Fanatics Say, Part 1 http://t.co/WTFODoZC

  11. I just ousted Amelia E. as the mayor of Hollister on @foursquare! http://t.co/aD2E762h

  12. Is it just me or does #Frank get dumber with each episode? It hurts how stupid he is. #BB14 #TeamDan #fb

  13. .@HPSupport is a FUCKING JOKE. Over an hour on the phone and no resolution. I will NEVER buy anything from HP ever again in my life.

  14. I should just work for @HPSupport - 30 minutes on the phone and i've been on hold for at least 25 mins of that time. #Fail

  15. I would find it funnier had they named #Kirk #Khan instead. #StarTrek

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