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Status Updates posted by karmic_shift

  1. .@David_deLux ooh...she's been a bitch tonight.

  2. My Klout Score has increased by 3 in the past 30 days. Check out @klout today and see where your influence ranks! http://t.co/40Uw8GPu

  3. Guys Movie Night with @theeagleguy and @muddledmoogle (@ Rave Motion Pictures Stonybrook 20 & IMAX) http://t.co/EDf1ysl7

  4. I don't always watch #BBT but every time I do @Wilw is in the episode. http://t.co/ACJ7oXgd #GetGlue @BigBang_CBS

  5. The #Hobbit Comes With an FAQ Explaining Why It'll Look So Weird http://t.co/OCepGjKs

  6. Nifty Infographic Pre and Post #Sandy @Foursquare checkins. http://t.co/KeLM3p9d

  7. .@wilw People like this can die in a fire, and so what if someones a fag. I'd rather be a fag than a douche like @stormtsailer

  8. You can line up at a Midnight Launch but can't vote? #facepalm #fb http://t.co/xCKw1oZt

  9. Helping set up an awesome Election Coverage event. Bring your friends later for liquor and a good time. Open at 6pm. http://t.co/QBWmpxbZ

  10. I'm watching Days of our Lives (80 others checked-in) http://t.co/v4SESJVK #GetGlue @nbcdays

  11. The @Eagles defense needs to quit using #Apple Maps. #fb

  12. Interesting RT @JGBMOY: The Smell Of Fresh Baked Bread Makes Us Kinder To Strangers, Says New Study http://t.co/aGRylDs0 via @huffingtonpost

  13. Waking up to a glass of wine was a great idea! #DayDrinking


    #WreckItRalph was good, I loved all of the background references. They did a great job making a #videogame #movie that didn't suck. #fb


  15. Movie time! (@ Baxter Avenue Filmworks for Wreck-It Ralph in 3D w/ 2 others) http://t.co/EMZgmbsI

  16. Wait! #Apple has used #Google for five OS versions, boots them out in #iOS6 and now has a Maps Patent? #Fail http://t.co/ZX8FA5kx

  17. I just ousted Armon H. as the mayor of Tranny Heights on @foursquare! http://t.co/6en0qlen

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