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Status Updates posted by karmic_shift

  1. .@MuddledMoogle isnt going to like this. @NintendoAmerica http://t.co/Om6UFmwC

  2. I can only hope this turns out with more carrier regulations. Would be great for us #Consumers #FCC #ATT http://t.co/0q9xyucT

  3. The best part of Starship Troopers is @ActuallyNPH. The second best part is everything else.

  4. So #Windows8 is kind of cool, I guess, for some people. At least I can have a #twitter app docked on one side of my display.

  5. Nice to here an artist I love on a show I love. – Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas) by @respektor, from #SoundHound http://t.co/c2vO8y1V

  6. My #hat did this to my hair #cute or no? Also...#duckface http://t.co/bGI0x8jk

  7. Midnight Bingo with the crew. (@ Bingo City) http://t.co/n5XhfsIH

  8. You can't win em all Wil. Bring it back home...you did Louisville proud. #BB14

  9. Did anyone notice the new #Google #Maps Icon for the Android app? It looks pretty.

  10. Dont watch...unless you want to cry. #Blind #Kitten playing with toys for thr first time. #aww #fb http://t.co/QDUDtjZ1

  11. I just became the mayor of Acme Auto Electric on @foursquare! http://t.co/Et0RqoqY

  12. My friends new #pitbull #puppy. Her name is Khloe and she is the cutest. http://t.co/eva1hayW

  13. Distance to next landmark 230 #OrganTrail

  14. Working on my Synchronized Swimming routine for the 2016 Olympics. (@ Lakeview Eastside Poolside w/ @muddledmoogle) http://t.co/fqtTfHjo

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