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Status Updates posted by karmic_shift

  1. First Star Trek IV and now Starship Troopers! Epic movie night!

  2. Umm yeah, who the hell would use a #3DS to make #Porn? Thats a fail on so many levels. #ChristmasWoes http://t.co/lDCXbxa1

  3. I just ousted @juandeleon as the mayor of Hollister Co. on @foursquare! http://t.co/aD2E762h

  4. Lovely, the Bee episode of #Futurama is on. It always makes me cry like a little bitch.

  5. Dear @HollisterCo, please hire people who are able to multi task at the register during the holiday season. This line is unacceptable

  6. I just unlocked the "It's a boy!" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/8MXnf8wx

  7. Why hasn't @Skrillex released a Christmas CD? That would be a great thing. #fb

  8. The drive-thru speaker is a little fishy. (@ Long John Silver's w/ @muddledmoogle) http://t.co/sqfPhyPf

  9. I just reached Level 5 of the "Flame Broiled" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 20 different burger joints! http://t.co/pmecIjZw

  10. Thanks to whoever was blaring their horn and woke me up. I need more sleep, or coffee.

  11. Always a good time when @ninawest is involved. @ Prime Lounge http://t.co/qQC8UCKe


    #Nintendo #TVii on the #WiiU is the coolest fucking thing ever!

  13. Nobody told me that @TiffanyPollard was on Twitter! I love her. Looking good on #TheSoup darling.

  14. Playing a 16 man game of @CAH. This party is on another level. If you aren't here you should kill yourself. #fb http://t.co/Zy6CTqM3

  15. .@MINIUSA A Friend owns a Mini and we would love to go cross country sharing #MiniLove http://t.co/Q03Hu5Jy


    #Rain on my #Windshield the other day somehow forgot to post this. http://t.co/PEIN1OGD


  17. Nothing says good #TV like a coat hanger abortion. #AmericanHorrorStory #Asylum #fb

  18. I am so over @Sprint and the horrid service in my area. They are about to get dropped like a bad habit. @sprintcare

  19. Finally replaced the hard drive in my 80GB #PS3 with a 250GB, thank you #Sony for making this process so easy. #fb

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