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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. I was reading this seeking alpha article about carriers raising fees to discourage customers from upgrading their phones. The article claims that the carrier subsidy on an iPhone is $400. With Sprint offering an upgrade every 22 months, $18 per month goes to the subsidy of the iPhone. On a family plan, that wipes out the add-a-phone charges and all sprint is left with is the $10 per month smartphone charge and the plan on the main line.


    Other phones are not subsidized nearly as much, but are still subject to the activation charge that is sneakily inserted to partially cover the subsidy.


    My thoughts are it is either the contract that the carrier signed with Apple to carry the iPhone stipulated the amount the carrier would subsidize the iPhone, or the carriers are like the gas stations right across the street from each other, where one station raising the price of their gas, even a little, will drive potential customers across the street.


    What do you think is the underlying reason for this?

  2. I just moved homes last month. The stuff I purged was amazing. Kind of liberating. The old computer parts...RAM, cooling fans, HDD's, etc. that I was hoarding was unbelievable. The stuff was so old, no one is using computer with a 20GB hard disk anymore! :lol:


    You use a SCSI daisy chain to connect 8 of those and you can get a 160GB hard drive :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. At least this is a milestone for Nokia, which never did make a CDMA phone well. Before they pulled out of the U.S. market years ago, they had another OEM make their phones with put the Nokia branding on it. It looks like Nokia is putting its foot in the water and trying it in a different market to get the bugs work out first before heading over here which is a smart move since its brand took a hit over here.


    You won't see a Nokia branded phone on Sprint until the 2nd half of the year, Verizon will get theirs first. Expect it to be a high end model with LTE.

    Exactly what I was thinking, do a trial run in China and see what kind of issues they see in their CDMA chip. If they are going to be the premier partner for Microsoft, they need CDMA to work.
    • Like 2
  4. Technology black hole? I used to have one of those too. But it was in my bedroom, and there was an old Macintosh SE/30 and a Macintosh II as well, lol.

    I found a VCR, an old GPS that is bigger than my cell phone, a bunch of old laptops etc. I don't know why I dont just toss this stuff...

    • Like 1
  5. The CDMA Lumia 800 isn't headed to Sprint or Verizon yet, but instead, China. Nokia has lost market share in China selling less than 15 million handsets in 2011. Their response to this is to release their flagship Lumia 800 to China Telecom, who uses CDMA. This could mean that the Windows phone partner has been working on CDMA phones for release on Sprint and Verizon's CDMA network here in the States. Nokia has long stayed away from CDMA for the most part, but this CDMA model of the Lumia 800 could mean that they are making an agressive run at the US market as well as the Chinese market. Microsoft wants their OS to succeed and I'm sure that part of their agreement was for Nokia to design CDMA phones as well as GSM to ensure that WP gains market share.


    The question is, will Sprint or Verizon go for a Windows Phone right now? Maybe the reason the CDMA Lumia 800 is being released in China is because the US carriers turned the handset down...


    More http://www.intomobil...surfaces-china/

  6. fact that they were awarded that freaking slide unlock patent not even a year ago is a crime in itself...
    And apple is trying to get a patent on face unlock, which is only available on Android 4.0 right now. I guess if they get that patent, we know that apple has someone in their pocket.


    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk

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