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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. Most people wouldn't think of it from your perspective. They will just be happy that there is an accessory they can buy to extend their battery.


    But they are being duped.


    S4GRU is now mobile...posted via Forum Runner


    It's one thing if some other company like Seidio releases a higher capacity battery that is roughly the same size, but when the manufacturer releases a high cap battery that is just slightly larger, they should put it in the juice guzzling devices so they can get at least a day of use out of it...

  2. The Galaxy Nexus sells with a 1850 mAh battery, but there is a OEM 2100 mAh available with a new back cover. The difference in thickness is minute, but it makes one wonder why they wouldn't have used the 2100 as the stock battery. Maybe it was to have the thinnest profile possible, or to make a quick buck off customers. The extended battery is only $25, but regular price is $50, and with the NFC chip embedded in the battery, it virtually eliminates any knock off manufacturers products from being very competitive. Let's hope the trend is more the way of the RAZR MAXX with a massive battery instead of the Nexus having a decent battery with a slight upgrade of an extended battery.

  3. All our snow melted last week. We don't get the amounts they get in Central Minnesota. But we usually keep a small snow pack all Winter. My new home is at 6,500' ASL. So a decent elevation, but we have had a warmer and drier winter than normal. Those peaks are at 13,000'.


    S4GRU is now mobile...posted via Forum Runner


    We actually are almost snow free. It is a freak winter this year. I have a few patches of snow and the pile from plowing the driveway left. It is really wierd, usually there are several feetat this point.

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  4. I usually keep my Evo Shift in it's own pocket but still keep a screen protector because I still scratch the screen no matter how careful I am.


    I thought I was being careful with my E4GT but sure enough a small scratch appeared one day. I have a screen protector on order for my galaxy nexus, no way I'm letting that get scratched. I had a bad invisible shield on my Hero that kind of turned me off from the screen protectors for a while, that's why I went without on the E4GT. It was really bad orange peel and had a rainbow effect. It really obscured the screen and it was amazing when I took it off to sell it. I have read that SGP makes really nice products so I am trying theirs out.

  5. The EVO 4G threads within android forums used to be my go to... but its hit or miss with other phones. The EVO thread is are Very well organized and lots of helpful people. I was totally new to rooting/ROMing at the time, and it was a breeze with what is found there. Guess it has to do with the huge following the EVO has, because the EVO 3D threads @ Android Forums arn't half bad either.


    The Evo does have a massive developer following. HTC phones in general tend to have huge developer support.


    What kind of upload speed do you get with your home ISP? I get 600k. I would be ecstatic 5MB to 8MB upload speeds on Clear's TD-LTE. If they went to a 10x10 FD-LTE, their download speeds would still be under 10MB (because the device cannot upload any faster than that because of the limited broadcast ability of devices), but their download speeds would be lessened and be similar to Verizons. The only real advantage for Clearwire to use FDD for LTE is interoperability with European networks,


    I get 30 mbps download and 2 mbps upload from my cable internet. I used to get 1 mbps. I'd be happy with 5 to 8


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  7. The only way they could get the sales numbers they need is to adopt at&t's iPhone strategy; offer iPhone users annual upgrades. That worked very well for at&t for the iPhone 3G, 3Gs & the 4.
    And watch their loss margin widen with the massive amount they subsidize the iPhone? They need to improve their network and continue to offer unlimited data. If the iPhone 5 supports sprint's lte they will sell a lot of iPhones for upgrades and bring in a lot of new customers. That is, if network vision pans out. The loss of light squared will hurt them some, but they should be fine


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  8. Sense used to make "sense" in the early days of android. Now with ICS though, I really see no use for it. I used to be a big Sense fan for various reasons including the widgets, but after using CM7 for a while and finding apps/widgets to replace the ones I had with Sense, I really saw no point in going back. It just sucks up resources. I like the Sense lockscreen with the ring, but now stock ICS has most of the same functionality. Although I won't be using just stock, I'll be using CM9. Already ran the alpha version that JoelZ has been working on for the 3D and I absolutely love it. There's just some bugs that prevent it from being daily driver ready.


    Sense went from adding polish and functionality to just eye candy and bloat. I don't need a fancy weather animation every time I unlock my screen (yes you can get rid of it but really?). The carosel (sp) effect in 3.0 and up is just useless. That prevents from using scrollable wallpapers which is one of the things I love about android.

    I agree and that was one reason that I did not even put the HTC models in consideration when I bought a new phone


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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