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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. This could be what Sprint has been waiting for to release the floodgate on LTE devices. In the article http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=9883 phonescoop has learned that Qualcomm is releasing a Gobi chip that can handle multiple LTE frequencies. We will see it first in the hotspot devices, but it will be able to be inserted in phones as well. It supports Android and can be paired with snapdragon processors. This should allow Sprint to provision it for all of the frequencies they will be offering LTE, but there is no word on if it is a software provisioning or if it has to be in the hardware from the start.

  2. LG has added NFC to it's Optimus LTE and added "tag" to the phone name. This could be to satisfy Sprint's desire to have all LTE phones also have NFC capability. It also could be because it is a neat feature. The Optimus LTE Tag will allow the user to set up special stickers that will change the phone's settings to your preset for that "tag". You can have one at your desk that turns the phone to silent, another in your car that sets the phone to silence text message notifications or read you the texts, another on your nightstand that silences everything but alarms.


    The phone's specs are:

    o Chipset: 1.2GHz Dure-Core processor

    o Display: 4.3-inch (800 x 480) IPS

    o Memory: 16GB eMMC

    o Camera: 5.0MP with AF-LED Flash (Rear) & 1.3MP (Front)

    o OS: Android 2.3 Gingerbread

    o Battery: 1,700mAh

    o Others: LG Tag+, MHL(Mobile High Definition Link), DLNA(Digital Living Network Alliance)


    The only thing that sticks out to me is the screen resolution. The 800x400 resolution is a far cry from the LG Spectrum, it's too bad they didn't use the same screen from that. The rest of the specs are not mind blowing, but it looks like the typical midrange LG phone that works for most Android users like the Optimus S.

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  3. I have 16GB and 32GB micro SD


    I was just saying today that I`m going to spring for a 64Gig microSD

    one of these days! $150 is pretty steep tho!

    That is pretty steep. I'm sure they will come down in price sooner or later.


    I bought 2 32gb cards around Christmas from Amazon. Now I have to give one to the wife because the nexus doesn't take cards :(


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  4. Many smartphones have an expansion port that users can expand their onboard memory by up to 32GB (there is even 64GB cards making their way to the market), but it has been said that the external memory slows down the phone. I have read that all the apps and files that need to be accessed quickly should be kept on the phone memory and the rest can go to the SD. You have the HTC Evo 3D that has 1GB of internal memory, the Nexus S with 16GB but no option to add any more, then there is the Epic 4G Touch with 16GB internal and support for up to a 32GB micro SD.


    So how much do you need for your apps and other stuff that should be kept on the memory that is faster to access? Or does it not matter and you will use the SD and shrug off the minor speed difference?

  5. I know this probably won't be a popular speculation, but maybe the delay is to sell as many wimax phones as they can with the $10 fee to keep people grandfathered on that fee from upgrading to LTE for a while and then raise the "smartphone fee" to $20. This would keep traffic on the wimax network and let sprint advertise the super fast LTE speeds before it is loaded with all the wimax users.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  6. What do you think callphone plans will look like when VoLTE is up and running and all the usage of the phone is converted to data and sent over the LTE airwaves? Will they still try to figure out how many calls, text and data usage you burn through every month? Or will it start to look more like the tablet plans? Right now there are programs out there that allow you to make all your calls and texts from a tablet. Then people would have to balance how much talking they do with how much websurfing and downloading. It would add that much more value to using WiFi for voice, data and texts.

  7. Be careful. Your logic is flawed on several levels.


    One, Sprint did not intentionally sell WiMAX devices "in places that were never going to get WiMAX" because Sprint did not control the WiMAX roll out. That was Clearwire's responsibility, and Clearwire botched it in many, many markets.


    Two, numerous Sprint subs who bought WiMAX capable devices were exceedingly unhappy that WiMAX deployment was delayed, limited, or non existent in their home markets. Why in the world would Sprint want to risk that customer relations nightmare again with early release of LTE devices?




    Yes, but ask those Hero, Moment and Optimus owners who are sitting on an upgrade credit waiting for LTE phones to release if they care how long NV takes to get to their area. I got so fed up with my Hero that I bought a WiMax phone even though my city will never see WiMax. You can only limp along with a outdated phone for so long... Maybe they are trying to sell some more iPhones?

  8. I sit about 250ft. away from a Sprint tower at my office. My Photon shows 5 bars of 3g, no 4g here, just legacy wimax.

    Usually get anywhere from 700kbps - 1.3mbps down and 75kbps - 300kbps up.

    At home its less, usually 400kbps - 600kbps down and 25kbps - 150kbps up.

    I had an Evo3d before the Photon, needed repair and was backordered by about a month, that thing would only get half the speed. I've been finding that the antenna on the Photon is better, reception and transmitting. Might have been that my Evo3d had more wrong on it than just the touchscreen but i'd rather have the Photon, even with oodles of ROMs available for the 3d.


    That seems to be the general consensus, that the Photon had great radios in it. Motorola in general is regarded as getting great signal. It is kinda surprising that the Epic 4G Touch is seen as Sprint's top dog when the Photon is a world phone and seems to pick up better signals. I guess thin wins, and the screen on the E4GT wins as well.


    In a way. It's pretty pricey. My friends brother doesn't sell much for cars, but at least the material has a lifetime warranty, lol. Anti-Grafitti film is thick enough it can really take a severe beating and still protect the glass. It gets put on commercial buildings all the time.

    I wonder when we will see the anti grafitti film sold as screen protection? Might already be sold...


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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