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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @mercatus: The Official Unemployment Rate Isn’t the Complete Picture @veroderugy @jjfichtner http://t.co/LTpx7XMgrB http://t.co/oxX1lkcO…

  2. Hmm, band 12 is available but off. Interesting...
  3. OTA is now available (see eg http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/03/11/flash-all-the-things-android-5-1-ota-roundup-for-nexus-devices/), and thus far it seems like the memory leak is fixed or at least radically improved - before, even after light usage, memory usage would record at least some period of "critical," but now it looks like it stays in the "normal" range.
  4. RT @daveweigel: When I think of OG blogging, I think of Kevin Drum’s Calpundit pic. http://t.co/syNR04IrZa

  5. RT @RNS: Putin sent condolences to Boris Nemtsov's mother under her Jewish maiden name. http://t.co/rnWme9OkMZ http://t.co/S5RoXsDLuv

  6. RT @Popehat: Twitter is like what would happen if Vox started a "we answer your legal questions" column.

  7. RT @nataliemjb: Survey methods jobs are in-demand. Valuable info on training needed in this issue of Survey Practice from #AAPOR http://t.…

  8. RT @ianbremmer: GOP Senators so angry about potential Iran deal that they wrote a letter.Classic Hans Blix move.

  9. RT @jtlevy: C'mon, people. The "speech or debate" clause trumps the Logan Act regardless of whether the latter can be stretched into apply…

  10. RT @wuyuansheng35: Venezuela To Start Fingerprinting Supermarket Shoppers http://t.co/5HaKQRk1Iq #economy #feedly

  11. .@AlbertsonB2 @dandrezner except Lindsey Graham apparently.

  12. RT @EsotericCD: Every litigator w/a modicum of experience recognizes this for discovery phase document-dump "f**k you" that it is: http://t…

  13. RT @baseballcrank: Ouch. RT @freddoso: If Scott Walker can't stand up to subsidy-suckling Iowans, how can he stand up to ISIS? http://t.co/…

  14. RT @dmataconis: "Of course we didn't bring Joe. Do you think we're crazy?" http://t.co/1WqFDRBeuD

  15. RT @michael_raphone: use laser vision to destroy the baby. do not allow the baby to manipulate you into using laser vision on others http:/…

  16. It might be MediaTek in the VZW/Sprint S6s instead of either VIA or Qualcomm; see the bottom of this AnandTech piece: http://www.anandtech.com/show/9057/mediatek-at-mwc-2015-a72-already-in-silicon There's apparently some sort of deal between Samsung and MediaTek: http://www.gsmarena.com/mediatek_reportedly_scored_an_order_from_samsung-news-11431.php
  17. RT @dmataconis: Why do we have Daylight Saving Time? http://t.co/p7LOMuYI48

  18. RT @CHSommers: This study exposed an appalling gender injustice. Yet it got no publicity. Can you guess why? http://t.co/cbi0JHoYmc

  19. Huawei products have been sold by US carriers in the past, albeit often under carrier names, particularly in the hotspot realm. Besides which, all of the leading brands are built from components from Chinese manufacturers in Chinese factories, so if the Chinese authorities can backdoor a Huawei device they can backdoor one from Samsung or LG or Apple too with equal ease.
  20. RT @androidcentral: The first live-action 'Transformers' movie is free today on Google Play http://t.co/Fi198fqoaw #android http://t.co/qPa…

  21. RT @baseballcrank: Don't most Americans host their own email servers?

  22. RT @stinson: As the WH's proxies, Democrats failed to refute Netanyahu's criticisms. WaPo says why that's a problem http://t.co/Sq5q8Xen5n

  23. RT @BristowatHome: S.C. voters oppose gay marriage, Obama, and Lindsey Graham running for president. @WinthropPoll @jamiemself http://t.co/…

  24. RT @smithsj: Anyone citing a penis size of over 7 inches is almost certainly lying. 95th percentile is 16 cm, 6.3 in: http://t.co/zozkLT1SCS

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