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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @walterolson: Ken at @Popehat shreds the claim that "police bill of rights" merely gives cop same rights as other accused http://t.co/yq…

  2. RT @SethEmerson: Mark Richt on Jim Harbaugh's camp invitation to all coaches: “I don’t know how many guys wanna go up there and freeze thei…

  3. Opportunely I was talking anyway about the equal protection clause in American government today.

  4. RT @SCOTUSblog: The oral argument audio for the first SSM argument is available here: http://t.co/M4daPMFe0f

  5. RT @JasonKuznicki: Rich white progs laughing at the loss of some of the few stores in a black community because property rights are lol.

  6. RT @RikerGoogling: is search history private?

  7. You KNOW this has been in the back of your mind all day. http://t.co/rIW2cCm4kp You're welcome, @LarryHogan fans.

  8. RT @AmandaNCastro: Full statement from Dublin City Schools superintendent Dr. Chuck Ledbetter on the teacher situation. @41NBC http://t.co/…

  9. RT @MiddleGACEO: Middle Georgia State, University of Northampton Sign Cooperative Agreement @MidGaStCollege http://t.co/a7rarnwByO

  10. Two years on library and technology resources finally pay off. @ Wiggs Hall https://t.co/zhtcJIsrQs

  11. RT @seanhackbarth: Anti-science Chipotle bans GMO food from its menu.

  12. RT @JSwiftTWS: John Oliver lambastes Obama on Armenian Genocide. http://t.co/sBqihSortv

  13. RT @colbycosh: Finally, a party that speaks to my priorities. RT @jamieLaLL: Best sign award goes to.... "DANGER THIN ICE." http://t.co/5pn…

  14. RT @baseballcrank: At this point, Baltimore would be better off run by a character from The Wire.

  15. RT @GrumpyJReviewer: Untenured? Don't speak up at faculty meetings. You're likely to say something intelligent and insightful. The old fart…

  16. RT @ProducerSusan: (Because some quotes are too perfect to be abbreviated.) @JonahNRO http://t.co/weIfNwHUqa

  17. RT @sgadarian: Attention, Iowa legislators. Student Course Evaluations Get An 'F' http://t.co/QqD4Xqphns @nprnews

  18. My sense is that this isn't Google trying to be disruptive now so much as Google beta testing the idea of carrier-agnostic, ubiquitous wireless mobility in the United States with a view to the eventual, disruptive step of removing the carrier completely from the customer experience. Sprinkle in some access to Project Loon, and you're getting to the point where you should eventually be able to access the Internet at decent speeds anywhere on the planet without large-scale land-based infrastructure. The way I see it: when Project Loon becomes ubiquitous, the vision is that you'll be on the Internet everywhere directly via Google most of the time, with Loon and/or WiFi pushing text messages, voice calls, and low-priority background data, with the land-based carriers functioning more as big wireless access points for when you're not near WiFi and either your neighborhood Loon is unavailable or you need a burst of foreground data that they can deliver more efficiently.
  19. RT @telegraphga: ICYMI: Large development proposed for north Macon: http://t.co/SGCzbuEErH http://t.co/h86mVS5b3y

  20. RT @CBCMontreal: Reading on school bus too dangerous, driver tells student http://t.co/bi4dbRLgRp

  21. RT @BrookingsInst: Yes, Millennials do read the news. Busting the "newsless generation" myth: http://t.co/OZ10t0fUZ0 http://t.co/FBXSdHrcK7

  22. RT @ChloeBennet4: I don't want to brag but I have gone all day without a case on my phone. Can anyone even get more badass?

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