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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. Most surprising fact: our commerce secretary is named John Bryson. Who knew? RT @radleybalko So this is weird. http://t.co/boYtXEzC

  2. I'm sitting 10 feet away from someone who is @michelledion's doppelganger. It is rather freaky.

  3. Texas GOP supports guest worker program: http://t.co/JkDiKRfG

  4. The Russians haven't pummeled the Czechs that hard since Prague in 1968. #euro2012

  5. These Euro 2012 highlights on ESPN look like badly upconverted SDTV from the mid-1980s.

  6. Putting a giant golf scoreboard at a busy intersection seems like a really, really stupid idea to me. Distracted driving #ftw.

  7. Except Koch bros. RT @EricKleefeld: BREAKING: There are no huge conspiracies to rig elections or commit voter fraud. Really, there aren't.

  8. Someone needs to be making a permanent record of this epic Stephen A Smith ramble/rant on SportsCenter.

  9. Does Bowden promise to stay awake during the meetings, unlike games he "coached"? http://t.co/8o084pCi

  10. Biggest loser of the night: MSNBC. Lean Inaccurate RT @ByronYork: 13 minutes after MSNBC reports Barrett will not concede, Barrett concedes.

  11. Like a bad penny we can't get rid of: MT @bmarcello SEC officially announces addition of Independence Bowl to bowl rotation.

  12. My one and only Walker recall comment: Dems have immunized him against RINO status for life. If he survives tomorrow he's 2016s frontrunner.

  13. Bet Obama wishes he could buy a TARDIS and go back & stop Mediterranean Europe from trying to borrow their way to get Swedish welfare states

  14. State fans now have permanent permission from the SEC to behave like rednecks at football games: http://t.co/cHJSRsZ2

  15. Krugman strikes me more as the Mule.RT @dustbury: Paul Krugman wants Hari Seldon's job: http://t.co/lX0r1uBw (via @olevia)

  16. Erickson is symptomatic of everything that's wrong with contemporary GOP activism. That said, nobody deserves swatting. http://t.co/xMeSoWZw

  17. lordsutch


    FYI, I took this screenshot today in Macon (Georgia market), which I don't believe is scheduled for NV until 2013 at the earliest. Maybe eHRPD is being activated at the RF switch level, not by market?
  18. Another useful reminder that Ron Paul is a states-rights conservative, not a libertarian; via http://t.co/owCK5i96 http://t.co/lcJ1Wg0F

  19. ME3 Rebellion MP pack now downloadable for Xbox 360. Something to pass the time while waiting for UPS... http://t.co/4QWKJian

  20. It would be nice if the #USMNT weren't dressed tonight as extras from O Brother, Where Art Thou?

  21. Retention of the OG Evo buyers I'd imagine was a big part of it. And the customs issues could have just as easily arisen with a delayed launch; customs is apparently holding up all of HTC's shipments to check every crate for compliance with the ITC order (which may be within their rights but my understanding is that multiweek delays for established importers are very uncommon, to say the least, especially after letting through earlier shipments of the same products), and I doubt they'll let up anytime soon. By all accounts the Evo LTE is a great device and a good performer on 3G, 1x, and WiFi, and has the exact same access to LTE as everyone else on Sprint (i.e. none, officially). The LTE network isn't there yet, but it's not like the phone's useless without it. And whatever LTE connectivity issues there are with the Evo (it's not at all clear what they are) are likely to be fixed before most users ever experience them.
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