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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. lordsutch

    Nexus 7

    FYI, the Nexus 7 OTA to Android 4.2 is now available. If it doesn't happen when you "Check Now," try these instructions which worked first try for me. http://synapse.wordpress.com/2012/10/16/force-nexus-7-to-receive-an-ota-update/ I'm still getting used to the difference in swiping down on the left versus the right, but other than that I like it so far.
  2. A cultural change tears a Georgia Baptist college apart - http://t.co/wuy97aH6

  3. Flipped past this. WTF? Is Cee-Lo going for the TOS Klingon look? RT @TVMcGee And then this happened. #TheVoice http://t.co/vlpT5AWS

  4. King's lies starting early. IINO like Bernie Sanders MT @chucktodd Angus King claims to be undec on who to caucus with. http://t.co/1kuDTESc

  5. Then again given the Petraeus stuff, maybe we're overlooking the man for FP jobs: Anthony Weiner. Pretty sure it's all out of his system.

  6. Problem with GOP libertarian "outreach": GOPers who think Tea Party fave socons like Rand Paul, DeMint, and Cruz are "libertarian friendly."

  7. If you're really bored, here's some technical background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bufferbloat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Delay (CoDel), a partial fix folded into Linux kernel 3.5 and later.
  8. Another possibility is your connection was suffering from "bufferbloat." Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about it as an end user, although presumably Google will fold fixes in newer Android versions.
  9. Lede buried: Big East officially no longer a major football conference. MT @McMurphyESPN http://t.co/JK18YFxm

  10. nTelos tower usage in SW VA and WV is considered Sprint native usage; the 300mb cap only applies if roaming on nTelos outside the wholesale area (eg in Tidewater Virginia where nTelos also has service but Sprint has its own towers); you'd see a roaming indicator on the device if using a Sprint PRL anywhere the cap applies.
  11. But not why Lovie Smith signed him. Surely 20+ undrafted QBs better this decade. RT @SI_PeterKing Now we know why Jason Campbell's a backup.

  12. Looking forward to 100s of NFL players on 1-loss teams popping champagne corks at 1972 Dolphins' funerals.

  13. According to Sensorly's maps, there's already an active LTE tower about 10 miles south of Cleveland in Clermont, and Cleveland is in the Atlanta market, so you shouldn't be waiting too much longer. That said there is no reason to buy a new phone now unless you want to benefit from LTE coverage elsewhere in the market. I'd also echo the warning above about tethering; many of us expect Sprint to actively crack down on LTE tethering without the hotspot plan in the not-too-distant future.
  14. Nice to see Oregon modeling the uniforms for the next remake of "Rollerball."

  15. The Macon Telegraph starts its paywall Wednesday. Purely coincidentally, Wednesday is the last day I plan to read the Macon Telegraph.

  16. .@mungowitz less country, more Aldous Snow and Infant Sorrow: http://t.co/Clw72lnc

  17. Free hint to publishers: don't send me a link to a sample chapter on civil lib that glaringly hasn't been proofed since McDonald v. Chicago.

  18. Linky here: http://t.co/u60PWkgd (I exclude Huntsman and Johnson, who had no base support, by definition.)

  19. Ideal choice if you believe in "strategic ambiguity." Or want a Romney clone in the cabinet. RT @JeffQuinton Sec. of State John Kerry?

  20. Dumb election commentary of the day: @swarthmoreburke really should avoid psychoanalyzing people he doesn't understand: http://t.co/wowecbSj

  21. Here's some more political science for you: divided government + lame duck presidency = 4 years of gridlock. Yes We Can? No We Won't!

  22. Context-free mangled quote as FNC calls Ohio switching from PBS midsentence: Juan Williams, "I need to rap." I'd pay cash money to see that.

  23. EC non-prediction: I want 269-268 with a faithless elector for Ron Paul, just for the entertainment value of the next 2 months.

  24. eHRPD may be coming online in places mostly because adjacent markets are lighting up LTE, not because LTE is coming to those markets directly anytime soon. If you look at the subscriber tower maps, for example, you can see there are Georgia market sites that probably overlap EVDO coverage with Atlanta/Athens market LTE sites. So rather than making people sit through the 20-60 second reacquire IP address dance (along with broken connections) every time they 4G->3G->4G at market fringes, Sprint is just putting eHRPD on the whole market.
  25. .@matt_blackwell presenting unfiltered probabilities to an innumerate public & pundit class; what could POSSIBLY go wrong? @fivethirtyeight

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