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Everything posted by marioc21

  1. The only thing I regret is not having bought in at $2.10. D'oh!
  2. As the thread title states Sprint has announced the ICS updates for the EVO 3d and EVO Design 4g. Unfortunately, they have not given an exact date. An OTA update will begin in the first weeks of August. Sprint: http://community.sprint.com/baw/community/sprintblogs/announcements/blog/2012/07/16/htc-evo-3d-and-htc-evo-design-customers-to-get-android-40-ice-cream-sandwich-update The Verge: http://www.theverge.com/2012/7/16/3163129/htc-evo-3d-evo-design-android-4-0-update-ics-announced
  3. Interesting. For the longest time Clearwire would announce their earnings about a month after sprint. Then starting last quarter they actually released prior to sprint. I wonder if they're scheduling this on the same day because of some shared news?
  4. 8News Giveaway - Dark Knight Marathon Tix http://t.co/vYEthJ68

  5. I'm checking out @TweetLanes, a brand new Twitter app for Android. Looks pretty cool so far. http://t.co/zNmpRvMP

  6. I remember when they had the press conference to announce that thing. The Sprint VP for phones said it was going to be the first in a new device category and they were definitely going to make new versions . I guess he was wrong.
  7. Well, looks like the hot streak is over. Sprint's stock is down $0.09 at 9:40 am EDT. If it finishes in the red today that'll be two down days in a row.
  8. Well I did not see this coming. The judge in the Apple case upheld her injunction despite the fact that Samsung is appealing. Now it looks like Google has stopped sales of the nexus from the play store. They say they have an ota fix is coming to get around Apple's patent. We'll see what actual effect this has. http://m.pocketnow.com/2012/07/04/google-halts-galaxy-nexus-sales-in-wake-of-injunction-has-software-update-on-the-way/?wpmp_switcher=mobile
  9. 5-0 #nats after 3. They are having a field day against the Lincecum.

  10. If its a qwerty slider like some are speculating, I can't imagine the screen being that large. It would make for a very difficult device to hold.
  11. Is that too much? Sounds like a GSIII with Motorola stamped on the back.
  12. The hot streak continues today. Up $0.09/share to $3.49 as of 1:08 pm EDT. edit: And we finished out the day at $3.47 per share. And that's where we'll stay until the market opens up again on Thursday.
  13. marioc21

    Gs3 ban

    As expected, Samsung has appealed the injunction against the Galaxy Tab and the Nexus. They've filed a motion to stay the injunction with the current court until the appeal is heard. It'll probably be granted so, everything is business as usual until the appeal is heard and decided. http://pocketnow.com/2012/07/02/samsung-appeals-galaxy-nexus-u-s-ban/
  14. I laught at WebOS, but I was there at 6am on launch day to buy my Pre. It was the best phone I'd ever owned up to that point. It wasn't until about 3 months in and 7 pres later that I realized that this was not going to work. Thankfully, I was a premiere member then so I got to upgrade at the 12 month mark. Still, if only they'd have had the money to put WebOS on quality hardware from the start.
  15. Only because a manufacturer would probably charge an exorbitant amount. If there was a $5 or $10 charge to upgrade from say ICS to jellybean, I think a lot of people would happily pay it. As far as the nexus one goes, there's always a cutoff. Hardware gets too slow to run new software eventually.
  16. I've always thought that was a copout. If they wanted to keep their phones up to date they would. I just think it's the manufacturer's mentality. Why spend resources on updating existing hardware when we can get them to buy new hardware? That's why I'm really considering making the jump to a nexus device now. As long as you don't get a cdma version, you'll always be current on android.
  17. Just an update to Sprint's continued stock market climb, the stock price is up to $3.38 as of 10:56am EDT. And a factoid that has very little relevance, their market cap is now over $10 billion. It'll be interesting to see where the stock finishes this week. The 2nd quarter closed on Saturday and their earnings announcement is 3 weeks away. Stock chart for S: http://www.google.co...q=NYSE:S&ntsp=0 Well, Sprint's stock closed at $3.41/share. That's up 4.6% for the day and 46% YTD. Not a bad way to open the 3rd quarter. I wonder if people are expecting Sprint to post a good news quarter?
  18. I wouldn't hold my breath. Especially when it comes to Samsung. At best, you should probably expect an update in about 6 months. I remember the Epic launching with Eclair and being promised an update to Froyo "soon". Soon turned out be months. If Samsung has their act together and gets it before out before then, then maybe we'll have hit a turning point for Android. I doubt it though.
  19. But there are already tons of android phones you can get at the nearly free or free with contract price point. You might have a point about the prepaid market. Although, it looks like Sprint is trying to take the prepaid market uptown with Virgin. Maybe this could fit into their boost lineup. I got great laugh when you listed WebOS on there. That's funny.
  20. I don't know why Mozilla thinks they can make a competing platform, but they've gotten Sprint and others to buy in. Phones won't be available until 2013. I can't see this having any success. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/02/telecoms-firefox-idUSL6E8I24MG20120702?feedType=RSS&feedName=marketsNews&rpc=43
  21. marioc21

    Jelly Bean

    I don't think we'll see another android release. Google committed to a yearly update cycle so manufacturers had more predictability. Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner
  22. marioc21

    Jelly Bean

    We'll probably see a 10 inch tablet at some point. And we'll definitely see a phone around October. That would be a year after the last release. Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner
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