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Posts posted by marioc21

  1. Thanks for the post. I didn't see anything new that we didn't already know, except for possibly this:




    I wasn't aware of any new announcements regarding the RCA. This is good news, and I eagerly await this info.


    And this quote brought a huge smile to my face:






    I'm glad to hear this too. I've been hoping that something productive comes out of their membership in the RCA. I know it was a marriage of convenience against AT&T/TMO at first but they should try to take advantage of it. If they can work out roaming/network sharing deals with smaller carriers great.

    • Like 2
  2. Here's an article that came out of Sprint's reporters visit to HQ last week. A few nuggets regarding NV deployment strategy, LTE roaming involving the RCA, wifi offloading, small-cells and other stuff.


    What I Learned at Sprint…



    APRIL 16, 2012 | Sarah Reedy


    10:50 AM -- Sprint Nextel Corp. (NYSE: S)'s game of catch-up on Long Term Evolution (LTE) will be hard-won, but the carrier is confident in the progress it has made and the technology evolution it has laid out with Network Vision. (See Sprint Sets Due Date for iDEN's LTE Rebirth and Sprint to Fully Support HD Voice in 2013.)


    That's what I took away from spending two days at the operator's headquarters in Overland Park, Kan., last week. The visit included briefings from top execs across Sprint's network, engineering, handset and sales divisions, as well as from its vendor partners Ericsson AB (Nasdaq: ERIC), Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU) and Samsung Corp. , a visit to a cell site in nearby Olathe, a tour of its labs (sans devices) and some hands-on time with its newly announced LTE smartphones. (See Photos: Inside Sprint's Network Vision .)




    Sprint is sticking to its plans to cover 123 million PoPs covered with LTE by the end of the year and 250 million by the end of 2013. President of Network Operations Steve Elfman reiterated the company lines: that initial launches will come in mid-year in Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City and San Antonio with the first devices -- out of 15 planned this year -- launching at the same time, but he also noted that the LTE network will cover most of the WiMax footprint this year and subsume it next year.


    Sprint's deployment strategy includes starting in small towns like Kankakee, Ind., its first cluster to go live, where it has the right zoning and leases and it's rural enough to not disrupt a lot of people in the testing phases. Then, Sprint VP of Development & Engineering Iyad Tarazi said, it will creep its way into the major city nearby, as with Waco working towards Dallas and Forth Worth and Kankakee moving into Chicago.




    Azzi also said Sprint will have more information on its earnings call about how it's working with the Rural Cellular Association on LTE roaming and, in general, on how it will be "highly competitive to the big two," AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) and Verizon Wireless .




    The carrier plans to stick with unlimited on LTE, but it's hoping to encourage more of its customers to use Wi-Fi with a network client it built with Smith Micro Software Inc. (Nasdaq:SMSI) and Birdstep Technology ASA (Oslo: BIRD) that automatically defaults to Wi-Fi when available or chooses the best network, WiMax or CDMA, on Android devices. (See Sprint: Still Unlimited on 4G LTE Smartphones.)








    What I found interesting was the NV tower deployment strategy of starting in a small town suburb to a major market and then basically "creeping" construction into the major market. Also, the bit about speaking more about future LTE roaming with the RCA during the financial call next week. It's got my interest peaked. I'll be tuning in to hear what Hesse has to say on the 25th.

    • Like 5
  3. And here you go:




    Mobile virtual network operator Ting, which currently uses the Sprint Nextel (

    NYSE:S) 3G CDMA network and Clearwire's (NASDAQ:CLWR) mobile WiMAX network, said it will offer LTE data services using Sprint's LTE network when Sprint launches the network later this year. Sprint has said it will begin launching LTE markets by mid-year.


  4. Here's another article coming out of the reporters day at Sprint HQ yesterday. It's basically repeating what fiercewireless had, but might have some extra pieces of info in it.






    Even so, the process of completely decommissioning iDEN will take a few years. This year, Sprint will shut down 9,600 cell sites, which represents about a third of the total. By 2013, the rest will go.


    At that time, Sprint can turn its attention to LTE-Advanced, which VP of Development and Engineering Iyad Tarazi said is ready to go today, but will launch in the first half of 2013. The carrier is already deploying 2x2 MIMO [multiple-input and multiple-output] antennas and is going to 4x4 MIMO. When LTE-Advanced comes online, Sprint will have tablets ready for it, he said. Azzi added that it will have its roadmap for LTE-Advanced devices laid out by November. (SeeSprint Plans LTE-Advanced Launch in 2013.) "We're ready for LTE-Advanced," Tarazi said.




    There a short photo slide show to go along with the article. Unfortunately you can't make out what the Sprint powerpoint slides have on them. Some look like they might contain interesting info.



    • Like 1
  5. Anyone know how the overall deployment of NV is going on in the District? My speeds keep fluctuating from 1.5mbps to 88kbps. I posted on Sprint's forums thinking it is just an issue in the area but they don't have any notes of Tower issues. Frankly, I was hoping that the high speeds were Sprint testing the new towers but it has become rather inconsistent.


    It could also be the plethora of new tourists that infiltrate the area around my office (we work across from the White House).


    According to the completed NV map (from sponsor forum) there are a fair number of upgraded sites completed. However, they're all on the MD side of D.C. Not seeing anything in D.C. proper or the VA side of the river.

    • Like 1
  6. Here's an interview with a Sprint exec about Sprint's plans for wholesaling LTE. Not very informative sadly, but a few nuggets.


    FierceWireless: You said in March that Sprint had signed wholesale LTE contracts with at least 10 customers. Can you give me an update on how many customers Sprint has signed to wholesale LTE deals?


    Carter: Let me be real clear about what that is. Essentially, we have a plethora of customers who are all interested in our 4G offering. We have put into place contract amendments to have the ability to provide them with LTE services when those are available. We have signed double-digits number of customers in terms of being able to offer them an LTE service when it becomes available.




    FierceWireless: Clearwire has obviously been doing wholesale for a long time. Sprint is a Clearwire wholesale customer. Clearwire recently signed some new customers, including NetZero and FreedomPop. Do you see yourselves in any way competing with Clearwire for wholesale business?

    Carter: Not necessarily. We offer a much broader range of products and services. So, for us, we're not out just selling 4G. We're really selling a wide range of products and services. So, it's the traditional MVNO services that we provide, and the traditional wireline offerings that we provide, and it's just another component with 4G services. I think we compete very differently in terms of what we provide. View us much more as a full-service shop versus Clearwire, which is much more focused around a limited product set.






    FierceWireless: Since Sprint is launching LTE service in a 5X5 MHz nationwide block of spectrum, does the company have enough capacity to launch both its own LTE services for Sprint customers and handle the traffic from wholesale customers?

    Carter: That's a very good question.It's obviously something that we have to balance. When you look at our wholesale customers, many of them ... would not need as much capacity to do what they are looking to do, versus us and the data and all of the stuff that people are looking for from our retail side. We think we can accommodate both well. It's certainly something we will keep an eye on to ensure a healthy balance between what we're providing our customers and what we have to do for our retail business.





    • Like 1
  7. It's not always overprotective parents. Sometimes it's the aesthetics crowd. There was a 4 year battle in my neighborhood when a tower company wanted to build a tower in my neighborhood. They offered the community association about $1,500 a month in lease fees to use community land. The residents of my neighborhood fought it because it would be an eyesore. A year later the same tower company came back and proposed to use land on the elementary school in my neighborhood. Since the elementary school belongs to the county the lease money would go to the county instead of the neighborhood. The community was still up in arms. And this time I do believe "health" issues were brought up since it was on school land. They convinced the county board of supervisors to vote down the proposal. Eventually a different tower company found a lot behind the community and was given approval. Sadly, it was not a sprint tower. I believe AT&T was the ultimate user for the new tower.

  8. Just to clarify, it doesn't look like there will be six market live announcements by June. There won't be any before June at all. The first two are scheduled in June.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    Kind of disappointing if true. Was hoping Sprint would make a big splash at CTIA by announcing a bunch of LTE cities that were live.

  9. Not sure if I am a fan yet, based on all the "leaked" photos. Guess we will all find out a little later. Think they stuck with the SD card-less route?


    thought a leaked spec sheet showed an sd slot. This was a departure from the One X that HTC is releasing internationally.


    Here a list from androidcentral.com:


    • Released June 6
    • 4.7 inch, 720p AMOLED screen
    • 1.5 dual-core Krait processor
    • 2650mah non-removal battery
    • 16GB internal memory
    • microSD card slot
    • Android 4.0 with 4.0 sense
    • 8-megapixel camera with 2.0 front-facing camera
    • LTE
    • Beats by Dre audio



    • Like 1
  10. One of the reasons why the OEMs have a tougher time than Apple is because they all have to throw their bloat (improved user experience as they call it) on there. We would be seeing updates a lot faster without this.


    Unless Windows Phone caves and starts allowing OEMs to insert their "custom UI" they will be pushing updates out faster and more efficiently. Especially since they have taken steps to reduce the amount of different hardware used in the manufacture of their phones.


    Ahh, but even windows phone has its problems. It's not just the manufactures it's the carriers. Microsoft allows the carriers to decide on whether or not to push out an update. AT&T has been very slow to approve updates for the windows phones it sold. In fact the carrier can deny a phone update entirely.

  11. I agree with Eric. The advantage Apple has is that they build their own hardware and software, so annual updates are easy to do since it's all in-house.


    You would hope that Google now owning Motorola would help alleviate that. Regardless of what Google says about Motorola being "independent". There's no excuse for a Motorola phone to ever come out without the latest version of android installed.

  12. 2.9% according to this article http://www.zdnet.com...id-devices/7351 published today at that...


    as far as ICS being "ready for an annual update, The SDK for Android 4.0.1 was publicly released on 19 October 2011 and the source code for Android 4.0 became available on 14 November 2011 according to Wikipedia. That is not even 6 months ago that the SDK was published. The first ICS phone came out on 17 November. Google would only infuriate the OEMs that have worked feverishly to push ICS out to their handsets if they released a new version of Android this soon.


    It won't "this soon". It'll probably be a full year from the last update. Google said a few years ago that they were moving to an annual update cycle in order to let people catch up. Before that they would update android 2 or 3 times in a year. And they've held to that with Froyo followed by gingerbread and then ICS. Jelly bean will probably be talked about in July at Google I/O and then fully released in the fall.

  13. In terms of market penetration, ICS still doesn't have very much market share compared to Gingerbread.


    That's about to shift though. All of the top end phones that will be released in the spring and summer will have ICS. Tomorrow Sprint and HTC annouce the EVO One which will have ICS. HTC's other One series phones are all ICS and of course the Galaxy S III will have ICS. I have to believe that whatever Motorola/Google has on the drawing board will be ICS. By the end of the summer you'll probably have ICS on 30 to 40% of all android phones.

  14. I still see it as validation either way...April 15th or 22nd. Scott, AJ and I saw the source info. We know it is legit from Sprint. So we know that if it ends up being the GNex on the 22nd, it's a slip. We see schedules slip for device releases all the time, especially from Verizon. To be on it by a week, that's accurate to me. And we called it before anyone else did.


    If the Viper holds the 15th, then I will be smiling from ear to ear. I feel pretty darn good, already. But I have to admit, I'd feel even better if it did come out on the 15th to corporate stores.


    I think Sprint will announce right after their HTC event this week. They don't want to upstage their HTC event.




    I guess you'll be smiling then.



    • Like 1
  15. Yeah, hopefully it will. I still can't believe that Jelly Bean is already coming out. ICS just launched last year.


    Don't really get this criticism. It's been a year. Annual updates are the norm. Apple updates IOS on a yearly cycle why is it bad for google? Now the fact that Google doesn't work with manufacturers come out with jelly bean phones at the same time as they release it is another matter entirely.

  16. LG Viper 4G LTE with Eco-Friendly Features from Sprint Launches for Less than $100




    Pairing innovative technology with the Sprint 4G LTE network and unlimited data plans, LG Viper 4G LTE helps manage work and personal time for people on the go, like today’s “Power Parents”; Pre-order begins Thursday, April 12, at sprint.com/viper



    In an exclusive media event to tip off NBA Green Week presented by Sprint, Sprint’s CEO Dan Hesse (NYSE:S - News) today announced pricing and pre-order availability date for the highly anticipated LG Viper™ 4G LTE, the first 4G LTE device with eco-friendly features to be offered by Sprint.

    LG Viper will be available later this month in all Sprint sales channels, including www.sprint.com, 1-800-SPRINT1, Best Buyand RadioShack for $99.99 with a new two-year service agreement and $50 mail-in rebate via reward card1 (excludes taxes and surcharges). New and existing customers can pre-order LG Viper beginning Thursday, April 12 at www.sprint.com/viper.




  17. Yeah, it was rather crappy. But the photo was taken live at the RCA Global Expo conference today. It's legit.




    Speaking of...here's the link to the presentation the Bob Azzi made at the RCA yesterday. It's where the slide was taken from.




    No new information if you've been paying attention for the last six months though.

    • Like 3
  18. Interesting article in the WSJ today regarding Sprint. Some interesting nuggets from it. Looks like any thoughts of a network sharing deal with T-Mobile are dead for now. Maybe in the future, but not anytime soon. Plus that MetroPCS deal was discussed at three separate board meetings before the board finally scuttled it.


    At Sprint, Directors Watch CEO Closely








    Sprint Nextel Corp. chief Dan Hesse is negotiating one of the trickiest high-wire acts in corporate America. And behind the scenes, the company's board of directors is taking an unusually active role to head off missteps amid vocal investor complaints.


    At stake is whether the No. 3 wireless carrier can stop losing money after five years in the red, and whether it can remain a viable competitor to rivals

    AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless in an industry that regulators fear has already grown too concentrated.






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