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Everything posted by TheCUJuan

  1. That’s really interesting. I live near Louisiana and Vivian/San Antonio and when I had Sprint back in Feb, I rarely got speeds higher than maybe 3 Mbs.
  2. What kind of speeds are people experiencing on Global Roaming these days when traveling abroad and not buying a daily data package? -Nevermind I see that global roaming discussion has been happening in the open world thread.
  3. Anyone run any speed tests by Louisiana/San Antonio area lately? Or Wyoming/Academy here in ABQ? Thanks!
  4. @MileyCyrus @peta Congrats! That’s awesome ?

  5. I know... and we have such a sweetheart deal now with TMO it may be hard for me to convince the others on my account to switch... we pay $103 all taxes and fees included for four lines unlimited everything. Then, on top of that we get kickbacks of about $8 (since we have hookup , it’s less than the $10) per line that does not use 2 gb. We usually have at least one or two lines that get kickback... I guess I switched to a great plan, if it worked. But here in ABQ Sprint’s call quality is hands down better than Tmo.
  6. So I switched to tmo b/c they offered me a check of a deal earlier this year (way less than I was paying with Sprint). Lately their service has just sucked near my house here in ABQ. So i’m Looking at my options. The free year offer is pretty appealing, but I was looking at what my bill would be after that time. So am I reading this correctly that I’d be looking at $130 plus taxes /month for three lines and then $5 off per line for the employee discount bringing the grand total to $115 plus taxes and fees for unlimited? Sucks I gave up on open world when I switched, wish they came out with some extra bennies for Latin America travel.
  7. @HBOGOhelp @i_evolve Having this same problem

  8. @TonyKanal It was awesome!

  9. RT @TheEllenShow: I’m determined to do something about this. #BeKindToElephants https://t.co/0dGkx4vNzD

  10. @spirithoods I bought one of your hats last winter & was very disappointed when I relialized this weekend that it isn’t #vegan & has wool

  11. @AmericanExpress when are you going to have a #vegan #byinvitationonly event?

  12. @SouthwestAir @RedCross could someone from your NM office reach out to me?

  13. @MsMechanica I’m thinking about getting the New Subaru Crosstrek in orange :)

  14. @jaketapper So how come you didn’t talk about Puerto Rico on your show this past Sunday?! Almost a week had gone b… https://t.co/TXYXSrjiDf

  15. RT @ananavarro: @realDonaldTrump, stop dividing Americans. Focus on 3MM in ??, damn it! No power, no food, stifling heat, knee-high water,…

  16. RT @DrJulienArbor: #IrmaSOS #PembrokePines #CenturyVillage Frail seniors with no working elevators still without power after Irma https:/…

  17. RT @Apple: Join us September 12 at 10am PT to watch the #AppleEvent live at https://t.co/xi6CRXgQPH. Retweet for updates from @Apple. https…

  18. So is the improvement in sprint speeds in abq noticeable? I never really got any download speeds over 10-15 Mbps in abq when I had them (until February)
  19. Question about the free year promo - does anyone know how long you have to have been a non sprint costumer to be eligible for the free year promo? We left to T-Mobile as I posted here bc of the price. But call quality at T-Mobile is aweful compared to sprint - lots of spots with dropped or nearly dropped calls.. areas with signal almost going away and having to have people repeat themselves. Considering coming back to sprint after four or five months with magenta. If i do this, I'll miss having open world on my account. :-/
  20. I'm not sure how this gets rid of gimmicks. I believe consumers want a price that will stick - not a plan that will jump in a year.
  21. It seems like sprint did this to avoid churn to T-Mobile but hasn't really pushed it out hard. Most people that travel extensively internationally still think of T-Mobile as the go to company. Not sprint.
  22. Sounds like it's the galaxy s 8...
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