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Everything posted by stlman314

  1. Do you guys think they can come up with a ROM that could enable it?
  2. Near Ballwin Parks & Recreation HEX Confirmed - 05627301 3 Digit SCIDs - 96, 265,434 Sensorly - Mapped
  3. Manchester & 7 Trails HEX Confirmed - 0560B901 3 Digit SCIDs - 111, 280, 449 Sensorly - Mapped
  4. Aww ok. What I like about the SIII is that it will hold the last SCID that it was connected to. Pretty cool feature.
  5. I don't like personally storing things on cloud especially pictures.
  6. I'm not to impress with some of the Specs. The S4 mini and Mega are only having 1.5gb of ram. The G2 doesn't have expandable storage or removable battery. Looking at the HTC One Max it is like the G2 except bigger screen.
  7. Wasn't trying to create rumors. I thought it was something different with the speeds that they were saying. My bad.
  8. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57610032-94/sprint-unveils-spark-its-ultra-fast-1gb-wireless-service/ Sprint is offering a new service soon. Looks interesting.
  9. The HTC will only give you the HEX. It won't give you the 3 Digit SCIDs. If you have a Samsung or a LG those would give them to you or even a iPhone that is LTE capable you can get them.
  10. So I was at the Rams game tonight and picked up LTE signal inside the stadium. Now I was in Section 447 at the very top. It was a unusable signal but it was definitely in there. Two people I was with had the same phones and had connection but not sure if they had 3G or LTE. This is from the tower at 2211 Lucas Ave in Carr Square.
  11. Halls Ferry and Parker HEX Confirmed - 0561DA03 3 Digit SCIDs - 114, 283 & 452 Speed test - 13mb dl & 8mb up Mapped
  12. Haha, i drove by that one the other day. Thats the crappiest looking tower i have ever seen. Especially since there is a super nice one in the car dealerships parking lot less than 1/4 mile away. My same thoughts. Nice tower a block or two over and they are using that one.
  13. I agree. The towers that I pass the most I wonder how they will do those towers. Like two of them are on top of a billboards. Another one looks like a little piece of metal. http://goo.gl/maps/LqyIc That red and white pole is a tower. The ones that are in flag poles don't seem to be touched at all.
  14. Question: If you delete the pictures off of your flickr account does it deletes them from the thread?
  15. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57609405-94/truck-containing-22500-lg-g2-phones-goes-missing/ Looks like the LG G2 might be delayed in the midwest.
  16. I'm not far from there now. Thanks for the heads up cause I need gas.
  17. Yes the 370/70 site was the same way for me. I was able to get other towers serving cell better then that one.
  18. They must have just fixed it since Monday. I was over there at Hazelwood East and was pulling the Riverview site.
  19. St Joe's/ 3rd & First Capitol Excuse the FB Chathead in the screenshot
  20. So basically we have to wait till the Market goes live to call and complain to Sprint?
  21. What is the purpose of donut mode? Some tower seem to never hit it and some stay in it forever. For example Halls Ferry and Parker.
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